Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


t pi to other D. Sarre

r n l tion of a letter from r. J ••

fe. ico City

October 15th.l945

Th the op ortunity of meeting His "'xceLency 0ishop Buddy . He c ptiv ted us all by his kindness, his affability nd hi~ cordial manner. He is a orthy represent tive of the American E i co~ cy. mi blo ith every one, specially ith the hum 1, he never refu~ed to any the ple .ure of kis ing hi ring. For every one he had a kind .ord ith the adt ed v nt e of e m&stery of the up nish tongue all could un 1 rt nd him. st tely ~Per nee, dignity and compo ure co anded res ect, whil t the ~ame time, his modesty, simpli ity and ffability on universal enthuuiasm and pl ced all at their ease in his company • ... .. . . . . . .. . - n turd ye ning, aft r e left~ 1 r nc · co Church ( the Jesuit Chu ch) here Cr in Villeneuve had offici tea, ve alJ. ent to he Hotel de la Paz to say ood bye to Hi s eel ncy. e met th :U e the hole vrv na.nos f mily, very numerous as you kno • To al of us Bi hop J u•:i, y gave hi bles ing nd I hope, nd I feel that o'Uch a blessin ill be a ource of piritu 1 grace to all. Tooay( October 15th) he l .ft in a pl ne an,· Ger rd en I ent to tho Air eort . e v rr''Welcomed such e.n early rising i n o to se him once more a.n1 receive a last blessing. t hen we arrived t fiela, it a till d r , it a before half pa t five. 'fh - plane took off a littl fter si~ o 1 c ock. lupe continu in an atmosphere of public 111 le veto 11 an reable im ession for the rest of o lives. r they ould be as rilliant a. they rP. 11.y were. ThL presenc of so m cy _irel tea of the two Am ricas contiibuted reatly to it. e ico had never seen .. o .Dlf..ey ishop reUDited. he omu ende d to the unanimou d continuou. 'Ibey did not allcwhim a minute of rest. a be to sne/tch oni, three or four hours r st. Ie and hi~ u1te er he gue ts of th arro of mily. jy a curious coincidenc their hou wa built in the years of the ersecution by a wf~lt~niwter of Calles I had the privilet,e to g1·eet per onally His Eminence s I ent to pay him the ho a a of the Comite Patron l Gu d lup o. I e n spe£.king llsh and e fini our co,ver~ tion in r ncr., l ntu e t ha t His wminence prefers. you once more fo

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