Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


Alice Jeanne Buddy To Become Bride of Dr. Albert M. Repetto A T a reception las't Sunday afternoon at their home, 3620 Utah place, Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Buddy announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Alice Jeanne Buddy, to Dr. Albert M. Repetto, who received his medical degree Thursday from St. Louis University. Near- ly 200 guests, who called between 3 and 5 o'clock, learned of the betrothal when they riiceived miniature copies of The Journal, a medical magazine, which con- tained the news. A graduate of St. Mary'• Acad- emy, Notre Dame, Ind., Miss Buddy recently was elected presi- dent of the alumnae association of her high school, Loretto Academy. She is the sister of Miss Ellzabetll Buddy, Red Cross recreational worker attached to the Fifty-ninth Field Hospital in Amberg, Germany, and Edward O'Connell Buddy, a. recently dis1 charged Marine officer who

Dr. Repetto, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Repetto, !5332 Ban- croft avenue, received his prep- aratory education at St. Louis Un verslty High School. He is a member of Phi Beta Pi, medical fraternity.


Elizabeth Buddy, Capt. J.M. Davis Wed in Germany D R . AND MRS. EDWARD P. BUDDY, 3620 Utah place, have received word of the rnarriage of their daughter, Miss Elizabetl;l Rose Buddy, Red Cross recreational worker over- lSeM, and Capt. James Malcolm Davis of the Army Medical Corps. The ceremony took place March 14 in the post chapel of the Fifty-ninth Field Hospital at Amberg, Germany, where both the bride and bridegroom have been stationed for many months. An Army chaplain read the service which was followed by a r.eception in the hospital lounge, The bride was graduated from Marquette University, Mil- waukee, Wis.; received her mas- ter's degree in college adminis- tration from Ohio University at Athens in 1941, and studied for her doctorate at Catholic Uni- versity, Washington. Prior to joining the Red Cross :she was an associate professor in the School of Nursing Education at Catholic University. She is the sister of Edward O'Connell Buddy and Miss Alice Jeanne Buddy, who has announced her engagement to Dr. Albert M. Repetto. Capt. Davis, son of Mr. and :Mrs. James Patrick Davis of I Anderson, Ind., received his medical degree from Indiana University at Bloomington and interned at City Hospital, In- dianapolis. He and his bride are honeymooning in Switzer- land and Rome.

11erved in the South Pacific. She fs a niece of the Most Reverend C~arles F. Buddy, Bishop of Sat .~ego. .

MISS ALICE JEANNE BUDDY, daughter of Dr. an Mrs. Edward P. Buddy, whose engagement to Dr. Albert M. Repetto was announced last Sunday.

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Red Cross Fund Campaign, March 4-31 To the Reverend Pastors and the Faithful of the Diocese of San Diego: The American Red Cross Agency, officially chartered by Congress to coordinate, '8ystematize and channel help from the people of the United States to the armed forces and their families at home and abroad, needs your fullhearted cooperation, especially in the present crisis. The end of World War II sees our beloved America intact but the majority of the other participants in despair and devastation. These terrifying conditions challenge the resources of the Red Cross charged to aid occupational forces in Japan, Germany and other centers. Add to this the care required for the wounded in all our military hospi- tals now scattered throughout the world. Moreover, the demands of servicemen's families and the rehabilitation program for returning vet- erans intensify the responsibilities of this competent and overburdened Agency. In San Diego the Red Cross Home Service Department extends to more than nine thousand cases each month. While few of these ask a dole, all of them deserve that indefinable human touch which distin- guishes this all-embracing service. To the cries of suffering humanity we cannot be deaf no1· indifferent to the sad plight of fellow humans because even in the gnarled and suf- fering stumps of humanity we must recognize the image and likeness of God. Therefore, the pastors and their faitnful people throughout this diocese are earnestly requested to actively engage in Red Cross organi- zations and to cooperate with its field directors in the solemn and en- nobling pledge of charity-"By this will all nien know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (St. John, C. 13, V. 35). Faithfully your servant in Christ,



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