Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


Bishop Dedicates Redlands Church


On Sunday, Feb. 1 Additional Generous Donations Received ch~!~.~h:~h ,,:.~ ~:i::~y ~::~ Al University Foundation Headquarters pletely remod kd into a beautiful edifice, was dedicated Sunday Receipt.:: of the ·mver ity Foundation Fund during the past week included numerou~ g nerou.:: contribution, ·ome afternoon, February 1 • at 3 o'clock of which are listed below. Other gift to the fund, too ~umer- ous to be puuli hed hi week, ·ill be listed in future edition

RI\.' U ·mE O • ·TY ·-·········--·····-··-·-···- .. · ····· ..

150.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00


.,u ;\Ir. and .\Ir~. &n Gomez:.•....- ....._ ................................................... Jllr. . C. R. Enrit1uez............................................................................ .lrs. \\'. A. Butler............................................................................... tr. Lawrem·e ,\. Uva .................................................................... )Ir.. . llldred Jaekson ..................:;................................................ • Ir. Clar,•ne \\·ooley _...................................................................... Mr. . latt Poturlea .............................................................................. • Ir. Jo eph Ruppert ................._..................................- .................. • ll. . a I. Field ......................................................................... • Ir. Philip .\. Franek ...............................................................- ....... . lrs. Theresa l'e,·el r ...................................._................................. ;\Ir. Frank O'•.elll ..........................................- ................................. l\11.. Ann J. C Id ........................................................................ ~Ir. Leland J. )le ·n1r.......................... ............................................. • Ir. Patrick L. :\lc·Gill. .................,............................................... 1 Ir. John 'I-'. lite. lanu , Jr•...- ........................................................ • Ii s • lie.a ,J. JllrCone........................................................................ i.\lrs. Alton A. Ree,·e .......................................................................... 1\1 • R, ·wearlnger .......................................................................... Ir. and • Ir. . Stephen mlth.......................................................... Jllr. and )tr·. R. A. B~·rum.............................................................. • 11 Cornella •• Brown......................................._........................... J\lr. George .'. Du enbl'rry.................................................................. l\lr. Arthur • I. Ei enbart, ·r........................................................... l\lr, rthur l\l. Eisenhart, Jr......................................................... •• BER••ARDINO COUNTY • Ir . O~·rtt •• )lcGrath...................... .... .................................... $ J\lr . L. Benson ......-• ....................................................................... Jllr . ;\largaret Anderson .................................................................. JIii. Ruth .• lcPherson.....- .......................................................... )tr. and Ir!->. l•rank Flegel.............................................................. Ir.• Emma ba,·er ............................................................................ l\ln,. Bertha ..\I. Tt>bo.......................................................................... tr. Eugene J. L,·on .......................................................................... Ir. and • Ir.. Chrl Frlz.................................................................... l\liss Helen l\l. Dou her.._ ................................................................. In-.. Herman \\"!eland ...................................................................... )1r • E. \\.legm!'-n ..............,................................................................. :i\fn,. J. • JllcGowan.......................................................................... l\lr. and • Ir • L. J. Rile ·...................................................................... • If s Joanne Riley ..........................................._............................... Jl[r. David Fitzgerald ........................................................................ Ir. Erne ·t l\lartln ...........................................................................- 1\lr. Tony Perona ....._..____...................................................... )Ir. and l\ln;. J. G. Dommie................- ........................................... fr.-. H. L. ,·astine................................................................................ l\lr, and • Ir... F. • Rouchleau........................................................... :\Ir. and Jllr

by Hts Excellency the Most Rev. Charles i,.,, Buddy D.D., Bishop of San Diego. The Rev. :O.Iichael J. Assisting at the dedication were Rt. R v.• Isgr. Thoma/'! A. Mat• th ws and the Rev. Matthew J. Thompson, who served as chap- lains to th Most Reverend Bishop, and th Rev. Richard R. Daniels, master of c remonies. Solemn Benedi tion of the ~fost Blessed Sacrament, which followed th dedication ceremonies, was eel brated by the Rt. RCY. .Msgr. John M. leg-art~·. a sisted b ' th,• Rev. John f. Tahany, deacon, the R " James Booth, subcieacon, an


of The 'outhern Cro.'.-. .\lr. Herb<>rt ('. KellJ·, In memory of. lnry H. • lr. and .\Ir . Gllbt•rt Holl\llle Ice & Cold

8,600.00 1,500.00 1,000.00

·an Diego ...................- ..................- .....

.\Ir · David H. RJ an, .::nn Dh·go .........................................._ ...

.................................... ..


,'i00.00 500.00 .300.00 500.00 400.00

. UeJnold~, . an Diego ...................... ·torage Company, Holl\ille .....- .... 'an Dlt o ...............................

'hopJ)ing • ·ews,

'an • Dlt>go


om1>any, San Di<•!;"O.....

Industrle Supply

h .............

)Ir. Peter J. l{rlleher, ~an Diego

},. "TU.-\-DIO K A.· :San I ranl'i,1·0 ........... ..



250.00 200.00 I 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 180.00 160.00 160.00 155.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 ),30.00 130.00 150.00 150.00 180.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00


l\llss Ruby Albu,.,,

;\Ir.. John D. R~·an, • ew Yori Ut~· ........ Student Body of Forr t JUd.i:t Conwnt, Seattlr, Wa,hington Con,ent of the •·ancd Heart, <.:hit• ~o. llllnol ..... Convent of the Sanrd lfrart, ·an J'ranel,ro, California........ Com·ent of the l'ia<•rrd Hrnrt, :\lenlo Park, Cnllfornla .......... .. Co1ncnt of the Sucrt•d Heart, st. Jo,.,t•nh, .\lls~ourl.......... Fort•,.,t Ridge Comt•nt, :cattle, "n,hlngton . San Franl'isco Col11•g1• for \\·omen, Lone .\lountaln, Calif....... Barat College, Lak1• Fore t, Illlnol,., ........................................ Duche~ne Coll<•A"<', Omaha, • ·ebra,.,ka .. . .....- ........................... Ir. and .:\lrs. ,Jam!',., rarrnher, San Franel!-.CO............................ In mt•morr of )lrs. Anna )Ie,•k, Lo, Angclr, ........................... 1 )Ir. J;d C. ~llt'a, Alanwda, C'allfnrnia .......................................... I )Ir.• ·1ck J. 81•z, Srnttle, \\·a,hlngtou ..........................._ I ;'\Ir. John J. Daugherty, Tre water, Ore"Oll . . .......................... lary C. Kin1:lg............. - ....................................................... . o nson .....................- .............................................. - . . • - )11 'I D R bl ., r. Joseph \'ertdeuillc .. .......... •...................._............................ )Ir. and :\Ir.,. Franke IM'lChan<'e..................................................... )Ir. and • lr . John C. Putzer............................................................ )fiss Ruth E. Pt•ten,on...................................................- ................... l\lh Grae Guarrera. ........................................................................ )Ir. Richard C. Lambert.·-·····-· ....................................................... .\flc;s Jane Archer .................................._...................................... • Ir, and llr • \Yllllam Gibb ..............._ •._ .................................... llr. and l\lr . Paul , l. Jep on.......................................................... Reverend Pa\11 \\"ie:se ....................................................................... )Ir. and lit • Ira. J. Kinney.............................................................. • tr. F. P. O'Hara and l\li,o;s Grace O'Hara.................................... Captain and l\lr., Robert :'llorrl ................................................. • Ir. Joseph . I. Kalla ......................- ................................................. Lt. Lyle ;Flick , · Family...........................- .........................- ........... )Ir, and lrs. , . D. Ritchey.............................................................. )fr. Frank . Prln<'ekavlch .............................................................. ::\11 . , lary C. Barr~·- .......- .......................................................... l\lb Veronica T. Burke ···-·-......... _........................................... :'\Ir'>. Florence G. Bear~on......................................- ........................ )Ir. and )lri,. 0. R. Doucet................................................................ )Ir. and )Ir,;. B. K. Gingery.............- ............................................... )lrs. larence Berg ........................................................................... )Ir. George T. Ham.llton .................................................................. )Ir. and l\lr.• Frank • ·, tuffler........................................................ )Ir.. ~•·eya • Do~·Je..- ......................._ .......................................... The ,·oil · Bell Farnlly...................................................................... l\lr. D. A. Ybarrondo.......................................................................... l\lr. Alexander B. .;m1th...........- ....................................................... l\lr. and )Ira. Harr~· K. Turner........................................................ l\lr. Jame J. Barry... .... .. • ......................- ............................. Ir. and )lrs. Claude F. Butl r ..- ................................................. l\lr. R. ~. , loore.......................................................................: ........... l\h'. Kevin B. Barry............................................................................ ,1r. E .• ,: Bevier............................._................................................... l\lr. Jo eph Bar11· .........................._ ......................................... .... )Ir. and • Ir • )I, C. Brisendine................................................. lis Bettle nn Talbert.....................·-····-· ..............................- ... L!Ullt• Altar 'ocletr, '.\Ir. and '.\Ir • G. unrre t.........................................- .......-.. . Alder, Jr........................................................... ..··............................................................ )Ir. H. C. Stidman ... -····-· ..\Ir. ,,·. G. Griswold, Jr........................_.............·-········· .................. • lis., Loul-.

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.001 125.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

N ew Altar of Church In (h • mo Concecrat d



e new alta y church was

r of St.

,,rargaret :.\far (la •ri by His E. .. t

· con

~ish:cellency the • fost Lt. and )Ir • H. Falbe........................·-·----..····-............... ·Miss Ari en G. Germo....................................................................

Rc\'errnd morning

Saturday at 7:30




31 ,

o'clock, The s:~ariv


iego prelate was Rev. Philip Watz,

n sisted bv th pastor, an"d


Daniels, Who sen:;"· Richard

as master of


Th,• services Were·

attended by

JUC'mbers of th surrounding te

e clergy f

rom the


rr1 ory.

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ,

100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00


100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

• -

; Bishop Preaches at Three 1 Masses at Palm Springs PALlf SPRL •as - His Excel- ' !ency the Most Reverend Bishop preached the sermon at the 8 :30, 10, and 11:30 o'clock Masses last Sunday at Our Lady of Solitude church here. The church was crowded with parishioners who re• - ponded very enthusiastically to the Most Reverend Bishop's talk on the University Foundation.

100.00 100.00

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