Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
.~~: Diocese Plans ~·~~!Building Study
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,u-r 11. On l"riday morning, Jann ry 11th, at ~ o cloek, Edward Farr 11 i; 'Std peace- full aw .• at hi· late rt::sidence, 2outb Tenth street, surrounded by hi· "ife and family. He had been ailing for ome time from a complication of diseases, but not until within a few days prior to his death did bis family think that the end was drawing near, and despite the efforts of the best med– ical skill and all that loving bands could do he succumbed to the ine,·itable and sank to to rest conscious al most to the last mc.ment. .Mr. Farrell was one of t. J osepb s earliest settlers, arriving here in the early 50's, and has always been identifi- ed with the growth and prosperity of our city. An honest, upright citizen, a kind, indulgent father and husband, his loss
FRID. Y. ,Jl ...IB 16. 1922
!!1&£1!!!""-"":':"--~~~- ----~=......_ meet lrs. PRIEST SUBJECT :~:j~ OF 'TIME' STORY Bishop-Elect Charles F. Buddy Rates Article in This Week's Magazine. ual attention In Time Is the V Rev. harles F. Buddy, subjec a brief biographical and char sketch In thi~ week's l!
Further detail ma San Die~o dio- r cesan building program wlll be/ b worked out at a meeting in San ~ Bernardino Saturday, the Most Rev. ir: Charles Francis Buddy. bishop of er the diocese, said yesterday after a er meeting of diocesan consultors at . the San Diego chancery, 1524 Eighth Ri "~ y& The bishop will leave tomorrow na, for northern countie3 in the diocese of and upon his return to San Diego, nav Dec. 19, will release plans on an St extensive building program. Ma· This will include a new high d school for boys in San Bernardino F. and a hospital in Imperial valley, as M well as a college for men, with a K. high school for boys. and a college ch. for women and a high school for Ri girls, all in San Diego. R Thursday, Bi·shop Buddy will at– tend a theological conference in L• Riverside for priests of Riverside! and San Bernardino counties. He also will conduct confirmation for L sen·icemen in Riverside the follow- ti ing day, and on Saturday will meet! C with diocesan consultors in San I c Bernardino. cl --- " . - . (' .
Doctor D1111durant
It w 5 a wls a('re wh-0 said no one wag so n ce ry to the that ome one could
at on.:" be
found to ta h.s µIa,•e; ~ut like nil I will be keenly felt by a large circle of ruhs it h s its cmphatit' exception,· 1 sorrowing friends. Ile leaves a wife A :, ear ago 01 r Town lost on who and three children-Mrs. C. A. Buddy, ('an nev, r he n-plac d. W11en the Edward, Jr., and .James-who have the river dragged down Dr. Louis Dan. dur«nt 1Lnd hl1s liUl a ( 17. 1938. DIES WIIIJ,E DEl,1\'EI , B ,\BY. ., for his recoYery had been aban– doned, "He treated us like human b£'ings with muscles that can ache aod feet that can tire, instead of a11to1n11ti(' machines·• On that bright :.tonday morning when the news of his death >-true!;: a devastating hlow at Our Tow11 ne s-aw little knots of :-:ad-faced people gathered on the :;treet cor– ners discu«sing the calamity in hushed tOnE>s. In the hallway of the Physlf"iaJ"s nnd Surgt-ons buihlitH:- cam.e and ·went nil da. medical mer, whose fa< tesll "ied to the l,..,,s which the~· had 1<11stainr-d In hun– dreds of homes those who o,vcd to the quiet man debts which they could mever repay. o! heal ,of mental encouragemPnt and of money. wept unrestrainedly. A good citizen, a good man, a good physician was lost to Our Town tha Gay. I I Dr. T. E. Horner, 62, pro1runent physician, who died of a heart attack yesterday while delivering a baby. A special- ist in obstetrics. he had practiced in Atchison since 1911. Atchison, Kas., L~'ft Tcnckr l\fcmorlc. In memoriam! ! words-but for you. Louis Danrlur- I ant, they hold the tender regret of many hearts which after a year still ache with the sense of your Iasis: l Pa!?'es might be fllled with the rec- I nrd of those whom your kindly char– ity helped at your own expense; of those who clung to your hand when the bitter waters of death ov~r– \1"h11lmcd chem even as they ovl'r• ! wh lmed you; of the as~ociates to whom your ex::unple ,,,;as an insptra- 1 tion, the friends who leaned upon your strength: but your fine:;:t epi– t,ip]l lies in the words which are spoken in Our Town· every day– "''\Ye miss him so!" So much or so littl may be emb<> ------ 1
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