Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

I MRS, DEAD Was Mother of Rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral. Life-Long Resident of City Was Daughter of Carriage Manufacturer. lfn. C. A. Buddy, moth• ot Father Charin Buddy, rector of SL Joatph'e Cath&dr&l, died early to- day at St. Joaepb'a Hoapltal, where b&d beth ill IQme weeb. With her when 1be died wera her two 1cin1 and three daught.er1, Father Buddy, Dr. Edward Buddy of SL LoWa, Mn. L. J. Dandura.nt. Daniel J. Redmond of L&urelton, 'N. Y.. and ~HatM .Mary llagdalene. aupulor of Sacred He&rt Academy, Ogden, Utah. Father Buddy and Doctor Buddy had been In prao- tica.lly con.slant attendance on the.Ir mother the put two week._ Mn. Buddy wu aeventy-seven yeua old, and a native of 8t. Jo,epb. Graduate of Com·e.nt.. A daughter of Edv."&td and ROM Garrigan Fa.rreU, naUvH of Ire- land, .Mrs. Buddy wu educated at the Convent ot the Sacred Heart In St. Joseph, of which she was a graduate. She waa a chart.fir mem- ber ot the Children of ltuy, tu1 u- 90Clatton attlllnted with lhe ~n- vent. Her father was an early day cartlllge manufacturer. In 1879 11he was D'UU"rled to Mr. Buddy, a commwtton merchant. Fol- lowing t.he death of her huaband, Mn. Buddy gave bulldlnp on Sec- ond street, which ha.d been the aea.t or hi• commlulon buslnes,, to St. Vincent's cafeteria, a charitable movement founded by her aon, Fatbu Buddy. .Mn. Buddy had numerolltl other charitlu, all done without ostentation, the object ot her benetacUona Including the two Ca.thollc orpbana,ge.a, St J0t1eph·• Hoapltal and other ln.1tltuUon.a. Organized .l1nt- Guild. Mon than forty yean aao Mn. Buddy and the late Mn. Situ \Voodaon, wife of a former gover- nor ot Mls.sourt, organlnd the tint hospital guild In St Joseph. Mn. Buddy waa a woman of rare lnlelluctu&J and •plritu&J attain- ment.a. She waa a ch&rmlng Jetter writer, Friends today recalled901:ne of the of her epistles from Europe on & tour there In 1929. Un- til age forbade ahe was active In the St. Ann·• Altar Society of St. Joaepb'a cathedral. She wa.a a ch&rter member of the Third Order ot St. Francis in thla city. Surviving buldu the five chtl- dren with her &t the time of her 1• & brother, Jamea R. Far- rell, ro2 South Eleventh •treeL She wu a cousin of John A. McGee of thla city, and ot Dr, ThomuHome.r of Atchison, and Dr. Thomas Mc- Gulrk of St. Louis, both of whom visited her in her Jaat lllneu. There bad bun two other chil- dren. Sister Mary Loretto died In 1922, and :M'.las Helen Buddy died hut falL Her husband died In 1928. Sbe leaves alx grandeblldttn. The body le at H. 0. SldeDf&den·• mortuary and tbl1 a.ttemoon wm be taken to the family home, South Ninth atreel The funeral wlll be at St. JoaPpb'a Cathedral at 10 o"clock next Thursday morning. Within a few mfnutes of her death thla morning her 110n offered requiem ma.<1111 for her In the chapel of the hospll&l, with the otht-r tour children In atlt-ndanCf', and later In the morning maaes were offered at the cathedr&l by Father Budd.ya BUDDY

MKS C" A 11,;'Dl)Y IS ll!AO. Mr c A Buddy mo::ber of Father Charles Budd) rector c,f St J pt..'s C&tht ra ' dkd t(lday She u ':7 , tars old • native: of S JOlt'pb and ihe widow of C A. B"'ddy_ conun.J.s- s c,n mt- char.t. HC'r !atht!t was an rarly


Many Rosarlea Offered for Her DurlnJ:: the several days of her de·


DEATH CALLS MRS. BUDDY . I Mother of Pastor of Cathedral l Passes to Her Reward

t:nl~er 0 :}~~:.~· {1~~

Organizer of Hospital Guild

Ro~ar.) ilt her bll"r. TuL•sdar afternoon sbiters rrom thl' -tllfft>ren1 R<>llfl:lous Ordt•n. lhe chlldrt>n of the Cathedral Rt.'ltool. and nuri,es and alumnat• or St.

~Ir;. Buddy and tht:> late Mrs. Silas \\'ootlson, "'lfe or a former Go,·ernor of Missouri. or,i;:antzed the first Hos• \ 111tal Guild In $t. Jo1'eJ>h, which pro•

th e

1irnyers. the Chll-


Joseph'i-: Hospital

and clothlnf( for


sur.011111lt•d by tho,• -,1ho ,q_p UlO:!l) ,lded supplle.



l.•atf'T ' In drt'n or

lndl"~nt 1,oor

or her

:.uld llh' ftntnl 1,ra}t'l




)lary atflllatt'd with

Patron of Catholic Education

th•· Sb1tna of·

d1 , ot,d family und

thi• mother ot three or whom en-

C'on\'t'nt or the RaC'r<"d Heart rf'C'ilevenln~ the Third thf.' Ro:sary.

The deceased was

lh1• soul or \!rt-. C..\. Buddy,:


a, moth.. r or tht> Yt>ry llt>, . C. I<' Buddy, • :1t.•,·en chlldrL•n,

of which


or Rt.

Ordl:"r l'h<' c-ltt•d

gt. Joi-1•ph's C1Hht.•dral, • tt>rt'd rell,:lon, Charles Francis becom- lnit a prlt>st and t\\o daughters, the





chart<'r membn.



pa~sed 10 lta t>l1•111al rt-ward \londay mornln~ ,lt I 311 o·dot"k at RI fo!l1•pll's 3

WPdn4"'sday eYe•

th•• Ro!l:arr

late Sister Loretto ()Ilse \larle Buddy) and Sister :\tar) :Uagdalt>ne (Miss Lil• Hoh· Cross Community nt Notre Damt.', C~thoilc achools. her children all re· \\r•II as colki;t'. education from h,.nl Catholic schools and leading CathOli(' c-ollf'.e:es. Father Buddy being a gradU· ah• of the Jt>!!Ult College at St. Maryl!!, Ind.' \Ir Buddy

nlnl:" at i: 30 tht' Catlu-dral Parish. and at ~:311 SI. Ann's Alla!' Roriety and the ('athedro.l Club altio said the> no!l.anr. I It was moM edifying to notP !hi' 11ray- spiritual bouquets am! the hundreds o~

1 llo:-pltal.

As th,• first fhu:ih or a dawn stnak,•d r Jinn Buddy) became members of tht.•

lht• i·a~t,•rn tht' Hol.) Sa<'l"lrtl't> of th,• :\lua ,\a:-. offnNI by her de,·oted ' son, Fathn Budd}, to U!'her Into r;ter• I nal I.l1Chl 1h1• predou.. oul of his be• Pn•.. 1·nt at thl~ Holy \\t•n' 1lw nwmber11 or her famll). ~lsll•r ) :\lagd,lle1u- Ptl£ts Lillian Buddy). 8UJ'4'rlor ot Sa('red llt-arl .\ndf'my. O1i:-df'n. l"tah; \lrs. Ht•qul"m lon•d mother

\\&S a grt>at patron of nful n•mf'mbran('4"'s, th<' many ~enProus

ci·hIng ell'mentary and academic, as Masde~ offered for the repost' or hei



Solemn Requiem Maas Largely


took placP Thursday .;ib!~to~~o~fOn~l~!~e~~3 1 ~~of: f

Her funPral

a;;_ 0 ~~~1:'1nus of the Amerll'an





~-,~e~;: 0

the J!Anctuary. Solemn Requiem ~fass\

Buddy Home social Center

Rudely of $t. LoulM.

~- 11 ~.c~:~1:.

The Buddy home was A center or rt'· flnemt-nt and culture, reflecting the I characterlatlca ot its charming boste:-1111,

Born in St. Joseph

de-aeon: the- Rev. J. Moriarty. sub-de-a- ftOll. and the Re\', P. O'Connor. Rev. ~-~do~~\~ 1 e 11 i~t~!~r~le;taft~~:te~so:·i oeacooi; to Moat Rev. Bishop Le Blond at the throne were the Rev. ceremonle!II. CornPllua Cleary, the Rev. ~Ilchael Occupy nit Pact's n I e !.lane uary ~fo,,t Re,·. Francis Johannes. we_;~;. 1 Wf'r(' thf> \"Pry RM·. William P. Barr, r \I JirPtddt•nt of Kenrick S;prolnary, 1 ~f:~onnt! ~et'nl~i!~ 1 }~h:a~~ 1.fbe~f1 1 1 1 h t

:\Ir~ Buddy, who wai- ii )t•an of



Jo'arr('II, nall\'f'S of Ireland, her \ "'ho supplt>nlt>nted rore:~~ trax;I

, j ,11:an

1 ~~;i~::;J;·:~


~=~~:;~~-eh 1 ~e~ ~'i~::~~~;r;~j~~-:a~;~ : ~o~~~aia~~:

lrorn '-O-




trul,· reJlo'ioua home. J

b lf's!l;ln•• of a

abroad and leaders In c ,· c an(

0 h•:h;;;r;;e~:~~ • <'ltll lift>. Man in the Home

1 )~~:,~:~ ~~ 11 \

.\ fi"e yearss' Illness was In God's ·I th Bhtns to com1llete tht" sancttficatton for thf' decf'a~ed. R('duc{'d to lnactl\'lt}'. · · far a!l social and home life werP ~lo u


:; 0

·1 ~i,~::t>n~~rt:rh~~~ 8 1 !::t;~~s;enr:~:~tt\~r:, f;_• 1 h a <"barter mem• aht· latt>r rl"turnrd to her alma mater Knd bt>c-ame a Child of ~tar.). b1•ln~ at ~,°~~,?r .. !:; 11 In ISi!I, ,\nnlP Farrell was married

turned her atten1lon

<'Oncerned. 11he

11 ~~:a,?i b<::c:~ :<'e;on::r~~l\~i~: ~- 1 1!~~llor~h~,eda;cee:~~J~hH~~d 88


ralthrul l'Ompanlons.


\ . Buddy


10 C'ha1lt'a

Ht•r d<'f'P faith and tlt'\'Otedne!ls 10 hn ramlly ha,·e left Q la!'ting lmpr('~- those with whom sh(' Jlurln~ tht' last yearia or her me. It na" her prh·IIPj:tt.> to ha\"t' hPr son offpr the Holy Sacrlfi('e oet"aslonally In hE't homt'. a prlvllE'J!;l' whil'h 1-he ht>ld mos1 11;lon on all ~han·d her trlendshiJJ.

mert'hanr, who prt>c~t>d hf'r In dE'alb

·1t' YNy Rf'\" C

~: LOUl.!1



ff'Hn !f'Rtll al?O.

Love of Poor

:\lrs. Bucldy


From hn part'Dl!I

herltt"d a IO\"E" tor !ht> poor that found , f'XE>rC'lst M·en In tht>- last days or her > life. anti her charl1ie!l \\ere manifold, kno"n only to thoat• 11ri\'lle,i;:ed to rt'- Ct'h·<' th(' kindne~~es bt>stow('d with thf' ~ral"IOU!\ unobtru!-l\"ene!l~ of th~ Buddl t'ommls~lon oftlces. donated t~ ~, \"inl'enrs CafPt('rla, a cl\"lc char• lty rounded by her Mn, the Yery Rev ! C. F. Buddy Tht> Catholic Orrhanas:e:-1 were otht•r re<'i11IC'nti:1 or ht>r ~en~ ('rO:;itit'S.


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