Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, SEPTEMBER 6, 1946 Accept Christian Prin i les, Bishop Urges ,Labor, Management in Labor Day Sermon
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"The recognition of Almighty God and His laws, and the acceptance of the principles of Jesus Christ can bring about a willingness on the part of capital and labor to 1·e- spect mutual rights and fulfill mutual duties that are es- sential for any period of reconversion," His Excellency, the - ------- -- Most Reverend Charles F . Buddy,
D.D., Bishop of San Diego, de- clared in his sermon at the Solemn High Mass celebrated in St. Jo• seph's ca,thedral on Labor Day. His Excellency, who was ad- dressing among other.s the leaders and members of many local unions gathered at the Cathedral for the ' San Diego Diocese's first official Labor Day ceremony, had previ- ously pointed out that the ill-di- gested legislation and other futile attempts to attack unionism had "not met with the success that had been hoped for in creating a new spirit of trust and coopera- tion between m11,nagement and the worker." More complete excerpts from the Bishop's Labor Day sermon will be found in the editorial columns on page 4. The forces of evil threatening 1 our country now are far more treacherous than the enemies en• counter~d in World War II, His Excellency warned the audience, pointing out that sovietism is or- ganized In this country to under- mine not only the unions but every other institution that we cherish. "We are practically living under · a dictatorship," the Bishop de- clared. "All this agitation, t he , violence hr strikes, the black mar- ' ket, the multiplication of futile laws, the restrictions to progress, , the interference with and holding ' up of production, ••. the bold and 1 relentless infiltration into schools, r theaters, newspapers, the radio- these are not American but Rus- sian communism; either that or the leaders of our nation, especl• ally those in the Stahi Deparhnent, have lost the old spirit of Ameri- . can fair play and courage." · His Excellency warmly com- . mended labor groups "for their · fearless efforts to oust red sym- pathizers from their ranks," and exhorted them to cneck and double check the character of their lead• ers. "Put them through the wring• er before you permit them to rep- resent you,'' he urged. "Make cer- tain that they are genuine Ameri• cans, valiant, honest, forthright, and reliable. You cannot afford to be misrepresented by the tools of subversive communism." The Mass, to which all local labor union officials and members had been invited, was celebrated by the Rev. Leo Davis, diocesan director of labor relations. The nationally famed Franciscan a capella choir from Mission San Luis Rey chanted the Mass.
®ffitial NOTICE OF OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS The following appointments have been made by the Most Reverend Bishop: Rev. William F. Clavin, Pastor, Sacred Heart Church, Riverside. Rev. Michael F. Cooney, Pastor, St. Peter's Church, Vista. Rev.•C. J. Moynihan, Administrator, St. Joan of Arc Church, Victorville. Rev. Francis L. Kuttner, Assistant, St. George's Church, Ontario. Rev. Louis E. Kern, S.J., .Administrator, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Calexico. Rev. Walter L. Want, S.J., Assistant, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, San Diego. Rev. Thaddeus Zygowiez, C.R., Assistant, St. Joseph's Cathedral, San Diego. Rev. Stanley A. Tarczan, C.R., Assistant, St. Vin- cent's Church, San Diego. Rev. Leo Leissler, O.S.M., Assistant, St. Francis de Sales Church, Riverside. Rev. Humphrey Russell, C.R., Administrator, Mis- sion San Diego de Alcala and Chaplain, Nazareth House, San Diego. Rev. Maxim J. Therou, C.SS.P., Pastor, Church of Holy Spirit, Riverside. Rev. Ivan Fabris, S.J., Assistant, Our . Lady of Guadalupe, Calexico. 1'0 THE REVEREND PASTORS: The Pastors a1·e requested to send into the Chancery all returns from the children's offerings as well as those of adults in response to the appeal of His Iloliness, Pope Pius XII, for the starving children of war-stricken countries. TO THE REVEREND CLERGY: A veterans' service officer, Major David L. Ander- son, U.S.A., retired, has an office in the Chancery and is available to all veterans, Catholic and non-Catholic, to their widows and orphans, who live within the Dio- cese of San Diego. Major Anderson, a National Service Officer of the Catholic War Veterans as well as Service Officer of Padre Junipero Serra Post No. 782, Catholic War Vet- erans, has received accreditation from the Veterans Ad- ministration to appear before V.A. boards, and is fully qualified to handle all matters of a secular nature per• taining to veterans' welfare. The Revere:od Pastors are urged to refer to the Service Officer any former serviceman or woman, and their widows and orphans, having problems relating to claims for compensation, pensions, retirement, or any other related problem. • • • The Seminary assessment is now due and payable to the Chancery.
i\ppnitttmrttta of the Most Reverend Bishop SEPTEMBER 8, Sunday, 9 a.m.-Descanso-Blessed Sacrament Church. Holy Mass, Sermon. SEPTEMBER 8, Sunday, 10 :30 a.m.-Campo-St. Adelaide's Church. Holy Mass, Sermon. SEPTEMBER 15, Sunday, 3 p.m.-Point Loma-St. Agnes Church. Dedication of St. Agnes School. SEPTEMBER 16, Monday, 9 a.~:-:-San Di.ego-St. Joseph's Cathedral. Solemn Pontifical Mass m hon~r of the Holy Spirit for the opening of the scholastic year. SEPTEMBER 29, Sunday, 8 :30 a.m.-San Bernardin?- Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Holy Mass. Blessmg of Organ al\d new Club House. OCTOBER 1, Tuesday, 8 p.~.-San Die~o-St. Jo- seph's Cathedral. Confirmation for Servicemen, De- fense Workers and Adult Converts. OCTOBER 3, Thursday, 4 p.m.-La Mesa-Little Flower Haven. Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, commemorating the Feast of the Little Flower.
By Order of His Excellency The Most Reverend Bishop
Rev. B. · Francis Ross, Secretary.
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