ITU AbsorbTech Employee Handbook

her immediate supervisor. • When it is not possible to present your concern to your immediate supervisor, or when your supervisor is unable to resolve your concern, you may then present the issue to your supervisor’s manager. Inform your supervisor that you plan to speak with a higher level of authority. S/ he can arrange a meeting for you upon request. ITU AbsorbTech wants to find a mutually satisfactory resolution. You may not always get the answer you want, but you should get a response that addresses your concern directly. If speaking to the next level does not resolve your concern, or in cases of termination, put the concern in writing - briefly state the facts and who you have seen and give the statement to a Human Resources Director for next-level review. HR will schedule a meeting with you to discuss the matter. In the case of termination of employment, further reviews may be requested at higher levels, up-to the President.

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