1925 Drinks Long & Short by Nina Toye and A H Adair


CLARET CUP Put a few sticks of barley sugar into a large jug with a few slices of orange and lemon,some cherries, a sprig ofmintand some cucumber peel. Pour over this a tumblerful of brandy and half that amount of any sweet liqueur,such as Coin treau,Curacao or Grand Marnier Let this stand, covered, for about six hours. Pour in two bottles of claret and stand thejugonice until you are ready for the cup. Then splash in a syphon of soda water. You should taste the cup before adding the soda water and add, if necessary, some soft sugar. Crush a pound of red or black cherries, cover with a quarter bottle ofrum and let stand several hours in a cool place. Add two or three bottles of claret, a sliced orange, thin lemon peel and a bunch of borage. Ice well and add soda water. SAUTERNE CUP Put in a large bowl or jug: One liqueur glass of yellow Chartreuse, one of brandy and one of 45 CLARET CUP AUX CERISES (An Austrian Reoeipe)

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