SALTA 4th grade

Look at the model. Name three equivalent fractions for the part that is shaded.

Brad’s mom left ½ of a cake on the counter. Brad and his brother cut the ½ cake into equal parts. What fraction of the whole cake did the two boys eat?


If 3 children shared equally the ½ cake, what fraction of the whole cake did each child eat. Draw pictures to justify your answers. (DOK 3) Use pictures to explain how 3/5 is equal to 6/10 when the two fractions have different numbers. (DOK 3)

Use pictures to show that 5/15 is equivalent to 1/3 rather than 1/5. (DOK 3)

(DOK 1)

Compare two fractions with different denominators and numerators to determine whether one is >, =, < to the other and explain how you arrived at your answer.

I made a beaded necklace that was 2/6 blue, 3/5 green and the rest was white. Did the necklace have more blue or green beads? Explain your answer two ways (using a benchmark number, common numerators, or common denominators). Justify your


answer. (DOK 3)

Mario has 3/5 of a candy bar. Trisha has 2/3 of the same size candy bar. Who has more? Why?

Amy, Beth, Katie, Gretchen, and Deb love chocolate. One afternoon, they each had a large chocolate bar. Each chocolate bar was the same size. They argued about who

ate the most chocolate. Here is what each girl ate: •

Amy: 2/6 of her chocolate bar Beth: 2/3 of her chocolate bar Katie: 3/4 of her chocolate bar Gretchen: 1/2 of her chocolate bar Deb: 1/3 of her chocolate bar

• • • •

(DOK 2)

Use pictures and words to answer each of the following questions. Who ate the most chocolate? Who ate the least amount of chocolate? Use a number line to order each girl’s portion of the chocolate bar. (DOK 3)

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