5th grade Instructional Guide

5th Grade Math Scope & Sequence

End of Unit Competency

By the end of Topic 4 students will be able to explain common procedures for estimating and fnding products involving decimals.

Language Functions & Features: Describe data and/or steps to solve problems using:

● Declarative statements to state conclusions ( The area is 90.25 square inches because… ) ● Mathematical terms ( place value, patterns, compatible numbers, product, partial products ) ● Connectors to indicate reasons ( My answer is reasonable because.. ) ● Visuals ( charts, grids, bar diagrams ) to support approach and/or solution Evaluate others’ arguments using: ● Declarative statements to disagree/debate ( I disagree, How did you, I did it differently , I agree because )




● Number sense ● Multiply decimals

● Place-value blocks ● Counters ● Bills and coins

Review as needed

enVision 2020 Curriculum Supports

STEM Project: Solar Energy Pick a Project: Long-Distance Running, Uniforms, Apollo 11, Sales Tax

4-1 Multiply Decimals by Power of 10 4-2 Estimate the Product of a Decimal and a Whole Number 4-3 Use Models to Multiply a Decimal and a Whole Number 4-4 Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number 4-5 Use Models to Multiply a Decimal and a Decimal 4-6 Multiply Decimals Using Partial Products 4-7 Use Properties to Multiply Decimals 4-8 Use Number Sense to Multiply Decimals 4-10 Problem Solving: Model with Math

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