5th grade Instructional Guide

5th Grade Math Scope & Sequence

Differentiation in Action

Skill Building

Connecting Multiple Representations: In previous grades, students used 10-by-10 grids to represent 100. Now, with decimals, these grids take on a different meaning. The full grid represents 1 whole, a column within the grid represents 0.1, and a single small square represents 0.01. Be sure students recognize these representations, and use the correct terms and notation when referring to decimal grids. Show how decimal grids (Teaching Tool 8) relate to place-value blocks (TeachingTool 4). Students used place-value blocks to represent decimals in Topic 2, and they will do so again in this lesson.


Use the Illuminations Tessellation Creator to explore tessellations. Topic 6 Performance Task: Tessellating Tiles

Interdisciplinary Connections


STEM Project: Solar Energy

Strand: Cycling of Matter in Ecosystems Sta ndard 5.3.4: Evaluate design solutions whose primary function is to conserve Earth’s environments and resources. Defne the problem, identify criteria and constraints, analyze available data on proposed solutions, and determine an optimal solution . Emphasize how humans can balance everyday needs (agriculture, industry, and energy) while conserving Earth’s environments and resources. DWSBA#1

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