5th grade Instructional Guide

5th Grade Math Scope & Sequence

visual fraction model to show the quotient. Use the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that (1/3) ÷ 4 = 1/12 because (1/12) x 4 = 1/3.

End of Unit Competency

By the end of Topic 9 students will be able to explain how fractions are related to division and how to divide with whole numbers and unit fractions. Language Functions & Features Describe data and/or steps to solve problems using: ● Mathematical terms ( unit fraction, quotient, mixed number, whole number, models , generalization ) ● Past tense doing verbs ( divided, subtracted ) and thinking verbs ( remembered, thought, fgured out ) to recount steps ● Connectors to order steps ( frst, next, then ) and indicate reasons ( because, so, that means, as a result ) ● Declarative statements to state conclusion (eg. I found my answer by… ) Generalize commonalities and differences across cases using: ● Declarative statements to present generalizable processes (eg. I can make the generalization that both equations are…) ● Verbs to establish claims ( have, belongs to ) and adverbial phrases ( often, will always, never )




● Fractions and division ● Divide whole

● unit fractions

● Circle fraction models ● Fraction strips

numbers and unit fractions

● Real-world

problems involving fraction division

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