
>> Tula's Mouth <<

"”Hi, Mrs. Chezfahfilthros. Did I say it right? I'm Dr. Macaluso." "Hello doctor. I'm a bit nervous. If you said it right, you would never spell it right. It's Shef-ih-lowz." "Woo. That's a pisser. Chech?" "Sort of. It was mutilated when my husband's grandfather emigrated here. We think the original spelling was about twice as long. He could only sign with an X. It's anybody's guess." "Just curious, what is your maiden name? I'll bet it isn't a long one." "How did you know that?" "The law of averages - and - your eyes." "Duh. Yes, of course, it's Ho." "And this is little Tula?" "We call her Tulie. Tulie the brat. Grandpa, he spoils her rotten, calls her Atula the honey bun," as Tulie was throwing her mama's purse contents everywhere. "How old is she?" "She is 35 months, corrected 32." "Her birth weight?" "One and a half pounds." "Mmmm. Any big problems from that? Bleeding, seizures, ..." "Surprisingly little. Here. I've listed the main items from her record. And this... this is the hospital summary. Tulie put that down." Tulie was teething on a plastic tampon holder. "Excuse me doctor. I'm sooo..."

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