
"Oh, she is beautiful. Never apologize. She walked at what age?" "Eighteen months." "With help?" "Yes. At first. But she was independent at about 24 months. Although.. TULIE!" "Lipstick looks good on her." "Oh! Please excuse me.. your time is so.. Give me that! Tuu-leee .. give mommy, give mommy! Give!" "Actually the teenagers are using colors like that in their hair, too. Well it is clear that Tulie has no problem with her hands. Does she speak?" "Not here. Strangers! At home, though, you can't stop her." "The words are clear? Used in sentences?" "They are clear. They are clear and loud in public when I wish they weren't. She's got a mouth on her." "From?" "Her grandfather! He howls when she tells the landlord to fuck off. He's given her the gesture, too." "Ouch. Hmmm. Why did you think that she had cerebral palsy?" "Think?" "I mean, how did that term first come up? That name does not just pop into most folks heads." "Actually it does if they put your kid in E.I.P. All those others.. It's hard to not notice." "Which early intervention program is it?" "Union West."

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