
"K, hmmm, but what specifically..." "Well, all the preemies get assigned to an E.I.P." "Yes. I'm aware. What about her?"

"Oh. She was late walking, then she limped." "Limped? Like, unsteady? Stiff? Dragging?" "No. Waddling. She had trouble on stairs, even doing them on her belly. Her older sister did stairs way before.." "Hmm, what about her look? Her posture?" "Way way sway back'd. I kept asking them about that, the sway back, when she stands. It was there even before she walked. Is it a problem? They said no." "They who?" "The, mmm.. I want to say miserable bastards. The gate keepers in my husband's health plan." "I don't see it listed here." "I... I'm..." She was now flooding tears, "I.. I.. She.. she.." Dr. Macaluso squatted in front of Tulie's mom and lifted her chin to engage her eyes to his. "I don't trust them, doctor Macaluso. I don't trust them. I'm here on my own. They would not approve... They don't approve or explain anything! Everything is 'What do you expect?' What DO I expect? What CAN I expect? I don't know enough to know what to expect. I can't make sense of it. She's bright. I know many, most, of these kids are bright, but there are no other traces, you know, stuff that the other kids have..." "But you DID have trouble diapering her, no?" "Yes! Yes.. that was the first thing, the palsy, the tone.."

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