
>> Tula 2 <<

Mrs. Chezfahfilthros had taken Tulie off to radiology as was instructed while Marcus and Shannon saw other patients and then "hit the table." Now, recovered of her senses, she couldn't help but notice the darker moodier gaze of doctor Macaluso, on his return. "Are you OK, doctor? I didn't mean to.." "Oh, I'm fine. It just bugs me sometimes. I don't understand the cruelty." With raised eyebrows, Mrs. Chezfahfilthros nodded her agreement. She began the synthesis, "So Tulie has dislocated hips?" Macaluso paused, startled, "The radiologist?.." "No. I looked at the x-ray, handing over the large red plastic x-ray carrying folder." "You read x-rays?" "No. But, .." pointing to the film held up, "..those are the sockets?" "Yes, they are." "They're empty?" "Yes. Keep going." "What do you call the ball part?" "Ball part is just fine." "Pretty obvious. The ball parts are not in the sockets. That's why her pelvis tilts giving her a sway back?" "Yes." "That's why she waddles?" "Nothing wrong with her brain."

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