
"No. Nothing that I can see." "So now you pull here, .." pointing at the thigh bone, "..to get the ball down and put it .. them.. you put them back into the sockets. Hmmm?" "Nnn-oh." The doctor eased that wavering answer in, fearing Mrs. Chezfahfilthros might wind up on the floor again. "It isn't quite THAT easy." Tulie's mom had drawn her lips into a thin line. She was containing her anger which needed venting so badly. "It's going to be hard?" "Yes." "Very hard." "Yes." "It could have been easier?" "Yes." "A lot easier, earlier?" "Mmm-yeah. We have our work cut out here." "You CAN fix her? My baby, .." Breaking a bit, but pulling it back, "..you can make her whole?" "Mmmm-uh-well," but as Mrs. Chezfahfilthros began to swoon again, "yeah we'll do it, .." reading her facial color beginning to pink again, "we'll get there, but there are so many details." Doctor Macaluso assumed his data spewing mantle keeping his tone as flat and statistical as possible - that keeps the listener from flying off, he had learned - and fast paced so that attention and thirst for detail would suppress emotion. Bell shaped curves of cartilage remodeling potential, dangers to vascularity of reduction pressures and the need to minimize tension, bone shortening, metal plates and screws, secondary surgeries to build up a shallow hip socket whose growth - unfilled - was

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