
John just slobbered more granola seed in, "Commie, pinko. Do push ups, you'll think clearer." Of course pinko and push ups in the same sentence had Sam ducking. Fred, trying to get cerebral, mediated, "OK. OK. Sam, what's your point? Are we to let the commies just run all over Vietnam? Isn't it in our interests to promote, to further democracy?" Sam was pained and just flopped to a seat with his head down, still pulling honey seeds off his arms and chest. "Oh man... First of all," he reanimated, " the primary reason that Communism is bad, and I agree it is very bad, is that it tries to impose itself on others! It metastasizes like cancer. It is organically bad. That single behavior alone makes it bad. The entire philosophical construct is bogus. I am not supporting nor arguing against Communism. I'm talking about what WE are doing! Don't you see? If we impose our government on others, how's that different? Any way, is a democracy that is imposed, not self initiated, democracy at all? Am I missing something? Is this a contradiction? Are you equating capitalism with democracy? You want to impose capitalism on them? As opposed to communism the economic theory versus communism the political entity? What am I arguing with here?" He went on, in the silence which that logic produced, "OK. Here's a trick question, be careful, this is very very tricky. Who said, who SAID, 'We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' Huh? Who SAID that?" "Jefferson," in unison from all the guards within ear shot of the question and from a few of the kids.

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