
"NO! Aha! NO! Jefferson WROTE that. If he ever said it, we have no record of it. He wrote it. But, I'll tell you who did SAY it and said it into microphones. He said it in front of cameras, attended by United States ambassadors and with a friendly American Army entourage in plain view, to his new republic to celebrate their freedom. Ho Chi Minh said it! It was in Vietnamese, but that is what he said. No dangle of democracy as a promise. He just did it. It was a done deal. Why does nobody know this? Hitler, with a big pair of snips in his right hand, had the French by the balls with his left . With the French nearly castrated, a democracy of Vietnam, declared, became a reality. It was celebrated with our attendance! Vietnam used our constitution as a blueprint for theirs!" "Whoa." Fred had a furrowed brow, "That true? When did Ho Chi Minh sell out?" Sam went on, "When the French got their post war shit together and their balls back, they reinvaded Vietnam. They squashed that democracy and set up a colony - AGAIN. Ho fought them, begging us to help, repeatedly. We did not respond. When we did not help, he settled the fighting by getting some of Vietnam, South Vietnam, declared as a free state. Later, when their colonial forces were regrouped, the French invaded South Vietnam, breaking their own treaty. We ignored Ho Chi Minh's repeated pleas for our help. We turned our backs on them screaming for help, to us, to preserve their democracy! That shits!" To furrowed brows, Sam lectured on. "The fighting still rages. Except now, with ass holes like you, whose knowledge only goes back to the last time you were laid, we are fighting to squash - what? Communism? Who were they to turn to? You tell me. We sold them out to the God damned twat licking French!" Sam was now getting senatorial in his presentation about our not getting involved in Vietnam, however, a distraction set in - Zee Zee.

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