Newsletter October, 2016

animated publication


October Update

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MANY THANKS TO OUR RESIDENTS Lynn Byrd & Mickey Berman for stepping forward to coordinate Frenchman's Creek very first Habitat for Humanity Project-probably in February. Watch for more information about how to be a part of this volunteer match event. There is a job for residents of all ages, skills and interests. SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, November 10 th at 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Volunteer Match Showcase Last year was our first Showcase, and we are repeating it again this coming season. We expect 30 agencies. Our current residents who have volunteered in theVolunteer Match Program will be on hand to describe what they have been doing at Palm Beach Gardens High School, the Ernie Els Center Of Excellence and other agencies. More details and sign up opportunities about our Habitat for Humanity Project will be available also. Following is a list of ourVolunteer Match Program Coordinators. Please feel free to contact any of us with any questions or suggestions. Tell us what you are interested in; we will find a match. Marie and Saul Kravecas and Nancy and Peter Berkley - Co Chairpersons Barbara Stern - Timely (one-time)Volunteer Opportunities. Stuart Halpert - Job Counseling /Entreprenership - Palm Beach Gardens High School Alan Fuirst -Ambassador at Large - (and a regular volunteer - magician at Jupiter Hospital) Frank Grobman -Volunteer ShowcaseAmbassador and a Take - Stock - in - Children volunteer Joan Simmons -Volunteer ShowcaseAmbassadors Patti Max Raber - Expert Film andVideo Director who prepares videos for our FCTV

HABLA ESPANOL??? If you speak Spanish, we need your help with a new and innovative program that El Sol in Jupiter has asked us to develop.

RESIDENTS needed to head up end-of-season \\CleanYour Closet" clothing donation program. Excellent benefits.


October 2016


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