Alcalá 1986

ub rop ro" (left ton ht Lasa

Aki~ \X.omni'

Lebaron. Ian!\ n, teplunae Roth an u n lacDonald. Kam Am n, Anne Fol~ , H ld1 Bur– go • La Antone. Om ane Bu elh.Joellen Bechana nd) Currae s«ond ro,. ( left ton ht ) r ar anaa {c Iona le, aOC\ mrth. Tre , "apolean , ·1n– C\ Ta combe, Karen Crawl~. ~,e-e Kn)Ch. Carol Quatannen . r Jean , bher. bottom~ ,. left to n ht ): bry Festa. Le ha Chamet l Robin Grnidahl, i nrca an~rWerf. Lorraine Lee , ·uu Bala ,en.Jeanne . ·omundeau, Rollie Mullen. Paula Doban.

Organization 61

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