Alcalá 1986

Thi\ cnthu\lJ\ti · <>rJ,:Jni1;1t1on I\ opt:n w all ,tudcnt\ "'i,htnJ,: to ltarn Jnd ,hJrt: their knowlt:dJ,:t: and cxptr · 1cncc, of tht p.101,h- ptaktnJ,: coun – trit·, . It\ ,1 J,:rtJt opportunttv to prat . t1cc on , ' pant h Jnd mct:t nc"' frtt:nth . I rip, Jrt· made to ncarh, k ,co \ ,,,cinJ,: orphanJJ,:t:S, tJttnJ,: fn.:,h loh,cc:r. dJn inJ,: and dtntnJ,:, shopptnJ,: and attcndtnJ,: culturJI events ,uch a, hullf,J,:ht\ Jnd thtatrtcal produu,nm. Period,calh sptJker and presentatmm accompaO\ mntinJ,!, Two larJ,:t cclebratton art put on h, the duh durinJ,! the year for the , hool The · arc J tradmonal k ,. can Po ada at hmtmas time .1nd inco dt· fayo ft:stt\tt\'.

The \\t:1.1:htl,tcmg club I an orcani– z.mon compn ed of tudcnt "'ho \H h to further their athleuc or non. athktic goal through weight crammc. , lc:mber are acu,e m , nou port , not JU t p<>"'erl,tcin or build. ing. • Ian member JOin the club to ..tone-up" their bod,e and hare .,.,,ch ocher a common in ere t in \\Or ·mg our w1rh wei ,hr . The club al o"' r \\tth the nev. we11:h lifttng room in gi,ing ad..1Ce and uidance co tho e wanting to tone-up without tnJUr\'.

Org~n11~1ion 6

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