Alcalá 1986

Paul Davis - Chatrman

Program Board, one of

D's most effective organizations, has had a very uccessful year

programming academic, cultural and social activities for the student body. This year's Program Board combined the talents of both new and experienced programmers co bring a variety of events to the SD campus. Thetr original and diverse plans brought the best of San Diego night life right here to SD, every Thursday night the doors of D's own nightclubs opened their do rs; East met West in the peaker Bureau's "Can We Talk)" series. The Faculty forum was re-instated and U D entered it's first team in the "College Bowl". There were so many great activities planned this year that it is hard to know where to begin or end. Some of the other more unique and fun events were the Road Rally, the San Diego Lights Harbor rui e and the traditional formal dances. ASB Vice-President and Program Board Chatrman, Paul Davis, feels, 'The accomplishments of the 1985-1986 ASB administration lie within the efforts and successful achievements of th,s year's program Board. This group of people is fantastic'" The Program Board would like to thank the faculty and administration of D for their support of the Associated Student Body programs and events. We owe a lot of our success to thetr cooperation and paruc,pation.

Left to right (top) John Morberg, Barry O'Brien, Craig Yanag,, llarry llad1ian, Paul Davis, r Mmam Kaeser, Mel, a Mackno, Laura Fede11ck, Colleen West, eave Foley, r.Jean Maher, Debbie Dyar, Phil Welp, Mary Pat McGarry, Mary tuyve ant. Camera h)•· Paul McDonough.Jeanne Ramciett1.

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