Alcalá 1986


Same time (2:43 a.m., Tuesday morning), ;ame place (VtSta office, southeast corner of Serra llall ), same siruation ( editor staring bleary-ered into mountains of paper that will be a ncwspJptr on Thursday), same chair, different rear end sitting m It I Just happened to be sming down when the music stopped. If I didn"t know the song so well, I might not have sat down in this big, ugly chair But l did. So. Here I am. I'm only the third Editor-in-Chief that has occu– pied this spot in the past nine momhs - the firsr that was picked for the position chose not to come back for the Fall semester, the second one had the choice of coming back for the Sprin,g semester made for him. Please don't think that rm a last resort. the last bit of leftover turkey after Thanksg1v1ng that no ,ine wants to eat but doe, it anyway for the sah of ending Thanksgiving. If you ask me, rrn aetually the first resort. But no one asked me befort·. I'm Jumping into a posiuon that has nor held tht greatest amount of stability since Emily Schell left last Ma)·. In the running for Editor at that point were three seniors and a sophomore. The sopho– more got the position. When he quit dunng the summer, the position was open agam. I said "no thanks"' and a bright San Diego Scene Editor with Miami Vice clothes got the position. After produc– ing the most stylistically advanced newspaper thi; campus had een, he was removed from his posttton by the ASB Senate for adm,nistrattve reasons. Michael Hall was and still is a per ·onal friend of mine. The ASB officers did their Jobs in bringing out evidence against his administrative polic,cs, or lack thereof. The brought out all kinds of reasons to remove him from office, so they did. But I still don't have to like it. I don·t have to like the fact that, even though VISTA and. for that matter, ASB are labomrories for students to learn how to run a newspap<:r, a government. a bureaucracy, M1chad was actuall)' fired. I don't have to like the fact that all of this was done during finals week. a week before Chnstmas. I don"t have to like that fact that Michael. a friend of mine, was hurt by this turn of event;. But l do have to accept u. And accept it I will. rve been involved, heart. soul, and limited mental, with th1> publica– tion since I was a freshman, as an editor for rwo years. I still wonder why I keep staying up until ungodly hours in the morning on Monday nights. Well, nt 1ust keep wondering and you·11 hear from rne again next Tuesday morning.

John chlegel VI TA Editor

onfused' So were they!

80 Vista

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