The Chronicle, Autumn 2018



The Teddies community is lucky enough to have 16 specially trained pupil Peer Listeners in its midst who are on hand to provide peer-to-peer support and a friendly ear. One of their recent initiatives was Healthy Relationships Week. Peer Listeners had spotted that pupils heading off to supper at the same time as friends in House meant they tended to sit in House and year groups in the Dining Hall.

So they took action – armed with lollipops. Their light-

you’ve walked in with, but everyone seemed to enjoy the opportunity to mix things up a bit. There was a great atmosphere in the Dining Hall as new connections were made’, said Sixth Former Ilana Cope. After the success of Healthy Relationships Week, further positive initiatives such as healthy eating, quiet time, meditation and power saving have been enthusiastically promoted in Houses by our Peer Listeners.

touch approach saw over

1,500 lollipops given out at supper time over the course of the week as a reward for those who sat with people they didn’t know so well. The Peer Listeners feel that the initiative was a huge success. ‘In truth, pupils didn’t really need much persuading. It just becomes habit to sit with the people

Peer Listeners pictured are, back row, left to right: Matthew Hartley, Louis Kodell, Fergus Flory and Will Wallis; middle row, left to right: Freddie Williams, Izzy Degroot, Ilana Cope and Mehrshad Shahabi; front row, Hattie Harries-Jones and Ella Mival. Fellow Peer Listeners Anna Millar, Lettie Neame, Henry Behrens, Oscar Inglis-Jones, Bianca Pigorini and Emily Hannis were unavailable for the photo.

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