The Chronicle, Autumn 2018


Inspiring People A joint venture between The North Wall and St Edward’s, the Inspiring People talk series provides a platform for renowned speakers from a wide range of fields – from art history and neurosurgery to theatre and environmental science. Tickets are free for pupils from Teddies and local schools. See page 31 to read about the first of this term’s talks with Dame Darcey Bussell. Coming up at The North Wall The War of the Worlds Tuesday 12th – Thursday 14th February “No-one would have believed in the early years of the twentieth century that this world was being watched...”  But they did believe. They believed that Martians landed in New Jersey. They believed a water tower was an alien war machine. They believed a man walked on the moon. They believed everything the internet trolls told them... Written in collaboration with the playwright Isley Lynn and inspired by Orson Welles’ famous

radio broadcast and HG Wells’ sci-fi novel, The War of the Worlds wrestles with the boundaries of truth in a thrilling broadcast of the end of the world. • For ages 14+ • Performance: 8pm • Tickets: £16 (concessions £14)

Julian Baggini How The World Thinks Monday 28th January

Anita Anand On Sophia Duleep Singh Thursday 28th February

Prolific author Dr Julian Baggini will be discussing his global overview of philosophy, travelling the world to provide a wide- ranging map of human thought by exploring the philosophies of Japan, India, China and the Muslim world, as well as the lesser- known oral traditions of Africa and Australia’s first peoples. • Talk: 7.30pm • Tickets: £10 (students £5)

Journalist and presenter Anita Anand tells the extraordinary story of Sophia Duleep Singh, a princess turned Suffragette. Bold and fearless, Sophia was born into Indian royalty but devoted herself to battling injustice and inequality, and, above all, fighting for women’s rights. • Talk: 7.30pm • Tickets: £10 (students £5)

The Dark Tuesday 15th – Wednesday 16th January

Parents’ Pass A reminder that all Teddies parents, current and former, are entitled to a free North Wall Parents’ Pass giving access to discounted tickets, and discounted accommodation and food at The Manor Country House Hotel in Weston on the Green. To order your Pass, telephone The North Wall on 01865 319450 or email .

Nick takes a breath as he tries to remember. Fragments of a forgotten journey flicker in front of his eyes. He is four years old. He is holding his mother’s hand as they wait on the escarpment.

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