English publications by Uitgeverij Coutinho 2018/2019


The Teachers’ Handbook Secondary and vocational education

Walter Geerts & René van Kralingen

WalterGeertsandRenévanKralingen Teachers Handbook Secondaryandvocationaleducation

How do you become a successful teacher? As a new teacher you need to learn how to establish specific routines and procedures. However, it takes more than learning the ‘tricks of the trade’ to become a qualified teacher. The Teachers’ Handbook meets the needs of future teachers who require tools to connect theory and practice throughout their studies, enabling them to create well-developed lessons. This handbook discusses fundamental questions such as: How do I educate my students? How do I work effectively with groups? What is my school like? How do I develop my skills as a teacher? These four main questions coincide with parts A to D of this handbook. The fifth part discusses the specific features of pre­ paratory (VMBO) and senior secondary vocational education (VET, or MBO).

GeertsandVanKralingen The Teachers Handbook the

c u i t g e v e r ij c o u t i n h o


+ Companion website & teachers material


464 pages

€ 47,50




VV ISBN 978 90 469 0621 7

Visit Coutinho.nl for a viewing copy.


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