News Scrapbook 1982-1984
EVENING TRIBUNE SEP 5 I J Goodbye to America the
Wednesday, September 7, 1983
LA JOLLA LIGHT SEP 8 1983 : Edwards leads Ma querade
SUE THE • - - - - - -! Vexatious litigant is a legal term for pie wh> for no reasonable cause, just to cause trouble I you hang around the courts long enough, you begit to think Amenca is becoming a nation of vexatiotS htiganlc; We dare not recount the outrageous suits of 1981, for fear of having them urpa sed next yem-. Pe·- hap ome self-righteou reader will sue the estck of G orge Orwell for having lib led they ar 1984. Anythm is possible in America the su -ab! . But m this corner of the litigiou. tate · perilo ly C'IO to the land of palimony, a courageous ju e 1 tr mg to provide an alternative to law suits. Mud wre thng? No, the enter for Alternatives to Lili ation, di- r rted by Judge Loui M. Welsh, retired from the S,m D1 o upenor Court, will ofrer mediation s r- ice to rti who'd rather settle their differences than In court. ttl ment conferences, mini-tri- al and litigation management, which allows law- yers to find out 1f ·1rly settlement is feasible, are ome of th s rvic available. Th center, co- ponsored by the Umversity of San Diego School of Law and the county Bar Associa- tion, through a grant from the Weingart Foundation, Mil tudy experim ntal ettlern nt techmques. It u retired Judges and lawyers to settle busm ss d1 pule . The law school and county bar also spon-
sor rhood dispute resolution center in Golden Hill that trains neighborhood volunteers to resolve local disputes. You don't have to be rich or even a resident of San Diego County to take your business dispute to Alternatives to Litigation. You just have to be rea- sonable. Tell your friends - and your enemies - about the center. It's located in Columbia Centre, down- town, and the phone number is 236-1848. But please, please don't tell the nationally prominent law firm of Sexism, Palimony and Libel. It might sue he center for putting vexatious liti- gators out of business. neigh
1s 1hemcd ·'Mas- querade" and it will take place at the San Diego Hilton Hotel. Proceeds will assist the student financial aid program. Among La Jollans in- volved on planning com- mittees ate Jane Sexton, co-chairing; Pat Keating,
reservations; Tina Jacobson, treasurer, Linda Alessio, program; and Jay Ghio and Mary Jo White, hostesses. A social hour is scheduled at 11 a.m., followed by luncheon and the fashion show, from Robinsons.
Patty Edwards, who last year's fashion show and lun- cheon for the University of San Diego Auxiliary, will again assume chair- manship duties for this year's 27th annual show, scheduled Oct. 31. The Halloween show chaired
Potty Edwards
Fundraiser for U.SD is on tap Patty Edwards, c hairperson of last year's Universit!. of San Diego Auxiliary fashion show, has again been named to chair this year's event, set for Oct. 31 at the San Diego Hilton. The 27th annual fundraiser will help USD's finan- cial aid program. Tickets for the show are $25 ~d table reser- vations of 10 per table are available. The event gets under way at 11 a .m. with a social hour, followed by a noon lun- cheon. Fall fashions from daywear to sophisiticated holiday attire will be modeled. Call 291-6480 Ext.4271 for details.
SEP 8 1983 Auxiliary to meet
Fashions to be viewed
Five La Jollans are serving on the University of San Diego Auxiliary Fashion Show com- mittee, helping to organize the 26th annual event. Themed "High Society," this year's fashion show will be held on Sept. 30 at the San Diego Hilton. A social hour begins at I I a.m., followed by luncheon and Robinson's fashion presenta- tions for fall 1982. This year's chairman, Patty Edwards, appointed to the com- mittee La Jollans Anne Brown, co-chairman; Tina Jacobson, treasurer; Mary Jo White, pro- gram; Jane Sexton, publicity; and Pat Keating, reserva- 1ions/seacing. Also serving on the committee are Erma O'Connor, mailing; Alison Tibbitts, decorations; Marilyn Regaldo, files; Ruth
Mulvaney, donations; Eileen Waters, hostesses; and Helen March, drawing. Proceeds from this annual event will assist the expansive fi nancial aid program for USO students. Individual tickets are priced at $25 and table reserva- tions of 10 persons per table, are now available. For more infor- mation, contact the University of San Diego at 291-6480, ext. 427 1. Cha irman Edwards was elected to the University of San Diego Auxiliary's board of directors in 1981 and re-elected this year. She became a member of the USO Auxiliary in 1980 and was active in the docent pro- gram . She said reservations will be limited to 730 persons in order to provi de ample room for the display fashions.
membership tea i planned by 1he Universi- ty of San Diego Aux- iliary. The event is Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Presi- nt's home rrom l:30to p.m.
Patty Edwards
SEP 1 1 198J
Building a castle(?) in the sand
Colleges Founders Gallery: University of San Diego. Weekdays, noon to 5 p.m.; Wednesdays, noon to 9 p.m.
No, it's not some sort of special ritual, but rather a way for new students at the University of San Diego to· get to know each other dur- ing Orientation Week at the university. San Diego is known for its beaches, and for newcomers what better way to spend a day than building a sandcastle - or sandpuppy, as the case may be. At upper left, par- ticipants in the Seventh An- nual Sandcastle Building Contest at Torrey Pines Beach last Friday begin by building up the sand in preparation for molding a big Snoopy (lower left). K-rissy Long, immediate left, puts some final touches on the creation. Good grief, Charlie Brown! SD BUSINESS NEWS SEP 1 2 1983
SEP 11 198;;
Appointments of new fac- ulty to the School of Busi- ness Administration at the University of San Diego, for the 1983-84 academic year have been announced by Dean James Burns:
SEP l 2 - "Barefoot in the Park ,, a N . 1 s· edy ·u ' ei Theatre, Oct. 6, 7, 8 Call 2 91 --"-'01\ s • wi be presented at USO' C
unon com
Photos by Stan Honda
. -
--..-.av, ext. 47 I2,
for tix ($4).
The Helen K. and James S. Copley Library at the University of San Diego has been fitted with an oversized, precast orna- mental window frame as construction reach- ed the half way mark. The $2.6 million, two story building will be connected by corridor to the existing library. Dunphy Construction is the contractor with architectural seN1ces provided by Mosher Drew Watson. •
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