News Scrapbook 1982-1984
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SEP 12 l98J
Watchdog group grows
LEMON GROVE REVIEW SEP l 5 19a3 New Faculty Join USD ThP new acatleh-lic y\!lir at USD includes 1:, new jX'rm- anent fatuity and 9 visitlhg members to bring full time ~acuity to a record 191, accord- mg to Sister Sally Furay, pro- vost and vice president for ac- ademic affairs. '_!'he College of Arts an d Sc1enees welcomes Joseph Co- lombo, Ph.D., Lu-l>ejl Liao Ph.D., Sandra Robertson' Ph.D., Paul Carmona, M.A.'. Ann Cone Buckllh, Ph.D., Je- rmey H.A. Fields, Ph.D., Thomas Kinnersley, Ph.D., and Aloysius Patrick Martinich Ph.D. Colombo and Martinich will be on campus during the spring semester only. The School of Business All-- ministration faculty new mem- bers are Thomas G. Black, Ph.D., James M. Caltrider Ph.D. (\!and.), Denise M. Dim'. on, l>h.D., Gregory M. Gazda D.B.A., Timothy P . K Jley: Ph.D., Daniel A. Rl\relti D.llA., and Dennis p_ iocco: Ph. D. The BA school al!m wel- comes visiting associate pro- fessor Dr. Xavier Aguilar Mil- anes. Joining the faculty of thP Philip Y. Hahn c-hool Of Nur- sing are Perri J. Bomar 'PhD and Santa Carol Hou'ggard' B.S.N. ' ThP School of Law welcomes 2 full-time professors Le t S , s er nyder, LL.M and Jorge Var- gas, LL.M. and 7 visltirtg pro- fessors, Thomas Bowers J D Paul C. Haskell, LL.B.,' J~h~ :azard, LL.D., VanC'e N. Krlr- Y, LL.B., Ved P. Nanda 1:L.M. Paula Rhodes, J.b., and Vlxtor L. SU•eib, J.b. Also n w to the USD fac- ul~y a re adjl.lhl"!t ptofessol:-s MIC'hael T. Andrew, J.D., Judge Mkhael Greer, J.D., Ale:it L La ndon, J.D., Nancy Spiecth.y. J.D., S us an Melton J b 1 Douglas Ke gah, J.o.,' and s~'. san Jaworwoskl, J.D.
At ~e Univers_ity of San Diego School of Business, Thomas Black has been appomted associate professor of accounting, James Caltrider has been named assis- tant prof~sor, Gregory Gazda has been named associate professor of m_arketmg_, T1m~thy Kelley has _been named assistant professor of accountin , X~vie~ Ag~Il~r MIianes 1s a v1s1tmg associate professor of accounting, Dani!I :;veth has JOm~ the faculty as assistant professor of finance, Dennis Zocco has e_n named assistant professor of finance, and Denise Dimon has been named assistant professor of economics.
new UCA!" .staff c?uld immediately busy itself with trymg to lurut electncal rate increases related to the San Onofre nuclear power plant, Fellmeth said. He added that the staff also could examine the utility's handling of inde- pendently owned alternate energy projects, its Southwest P~~erlmk transm1ss1on line and future power needs. It bas a good chance of becoming the largest utility atchdog group in the country," be said.
Mediators sought An orientation session for East County residents who would like to become mediators in a new Santee Dispute Resolution ProJect will be held at 7 p.m. today in Room 204 of Santana High School at 9915 Magno- lia Ave The project, which is being partly funded by the city of Santee, will offer a mediation service for resolv- mg disputes, said projec! manager Lois Leviton. Potential mediators should have some experience in problem solving and be willing to devote at least six hours a month to mediation and training sessions. Officials said mat- ters that could be solved in the proJect include landlord-tenant prob- lems. small claim issues and domes- tic problems.
USO Auxiliary plans tea SAN _DIEGO - The University of San Diego Auxiliary will hold a membership tea Thursday, Sept 15 from 1.30 to 3:30 p.m. The tea will be held at the pres1 dent"s home ol Dr. and Mrs. Author ~ughe · in Alcala Park. For informa- tion. call Marty Rower at 560-15~
Program, which began operating in March. She assisted in forming the Family Law Panel of the program and continues to donate time as a member of the panel and of the Legal Aid Society of San Diego. he is a graduate of the University of San Diego School of Law.
tion he award was created by the bar in May to publicize the volunteer legal ser- vices that California lawyers provide for the poor. Arroyo-Tabin was instrumental m otganizmg and recruiting 25 attor- neys from the U.S. attorney's office for the San Diego Volunteer Lawyer in Anaheim la~t wee ·
A San D1 go lawyer kas been hon- ored by the state bar for her contn- butions of time and effort m provid- ing free legal services to the poor. Maria rroyo-Tabin was one of nme lawyers from throughout the state who received the state bar president's Pro Bono Pubhco Service Award at the bar's annual conven-
San Diego, Friday, September 16, 1983 (2) ----'-------------------- TIIB~TRIBUNE 10,000 join ranks of utility watchdog group But yesterday, Gayle Takahashi, a spokeswoman for the The group hopes to raise enough money to hire a staff, includ- ing attorneys and rate and engineering experts, to represent consumers' interests in SDG&E rate cases handled by the coll)-
'Ir •
Completion date set for USD center Construction of the $1.6 million Manchester Executive Conference Center at the University of San Diego will be completed m February 1984, according to M.H. Golden Co., the contractor. The two-story, multipurpose building will house a 230- seat auditorium, four large conference rooms and office space. Plans call for the auditorium, with an elevated stage, to be used as a lecture hall. The conference rooms, intended primarily as instruction areas, wm also be available for business groups in the summer months to generate funds for the university. Architects Tucker, Sadler and Associates have de- signed the 17 ,600-square-foot structure to complement the 15th-century Spanish style architecture of the campus. Project architect Charles Jackson said special archi- tectural features will be incorporated into the design of the center, including hand-crafted decorative moldings, arched windows and sculptured panels. The Golden Co. also is serving as general contractor and construction manager for Olin Hall, a $2.7 million building under construction for the university's School of Business. The hall is scheduled for completion in July 1984.
y Mi h 1Richmond Tri bu ff Writer A new utility-watchdog group, the Utility Consumer Action etwork, says it ha been uc ful m its first campaign to ra1s mon y and enroll m mbers. The drive is being conducted through in rts in San Diego C::as & Ele<·tric Co. bills. About 10,000 people have sent m $4 membership fees since the drive began Aug. 18, a pokeswoman for the group, which calls Itself UCAN, said yesterday One of the orgamzers of the network, Robert Fellmeth, direc- tor of the Center for Pubhc Intere 't Law at the University of San Diego, said when the membership drive began that he would be ' very disappomted if the first mailing did not attract a r ponsc from at least 2 percent. or about 16,000, customers. The pnnted red and white inserts went to 825,000 SDG&E ratepayers
group, said the response was considered good. "We're very pleased, we thmk it's been very successful so far," she said adding that the group hopes to receive an addi- tional 5,000 to 10,000 contributions by the end of the month. ''I'm sure we will be getting additional money in, since many people don't pay their bills until the last of the month anyway," Takahashi said. The state Public Utilities Commission paved the way for formation of the network in April, allowing organizers to solicit members through use of SDG&E's monthly billing envelopes. Four mailings per year are permitted. Takahashi said the $40,000 raised so far will pay printing costs of the first mailing and help finance a second insert in December and an election of a permanent board of dir~tors in January
mission. The network is considering contracting with the county Re- gistrar of Voters' office to conduct the January board election through a mail ballot. The network would have to pay the estimated $20,000 cost of an election, Takahashi said. An interim nine-member board, headed by Mayor Hedg!""ock, is directing the group's organizational efforts. The enclosures ask ratepayers to band together to 1npose higher rates. On one side of the leaflet, a red headline asked, "Why do you think this bill is so high?" The answer inside: "Because SDG&E has many lawyers, rate experts and accountants to influence the Public Utilities Commission and you do not."
New Faculty At USD Law School By HERBERT LOCKWOOD
SEP 1 8 1983
parative and Soviet law and Nash Professor Emeritus at Columbia University School of Law, will teach ~pring courses in oviet foreign trade laws and Soviet legal in- titutions. Also, Vance N. Kirby, professor from Northwestern University, who will teach Tax II during the spring semester; Ved P. anda, director of the International Legal Studies program at the University of Denver College of Law, will teach an introduction to emeritus
STAINED GLASS/ A class in modem techniques of stained-glass will be taught by Bill Hall from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Thursdays for six weeks beginning Thurs- day, Sept. 22, at the University of San Diego, Camino Hall, room 139. Registration is $35. For more information and reserva- tions, call 293-4585 .,,.,..,.,
~'ANDIEGODAfLYTRA\SQUPT W!Wr,ur Dean Sheldon Krantz has an- nounced appointments of new faculty to the University ol San Diego School of Law. Prof. Lester Snyder has joined as director of the graduate tax program and will also the faculty Univer ity and his LL. M. from Columbia University School of Law. director of the Mexico-U.S. Law lnstitute on Aug. t and will teach law of the ea and a course in the Mexican legal system. A graduate of Yale Univer ity School ol Law, Vargas was an Adlai E. Stevenson Fellow at the United Nations In- stitute for Training and Research. Autonomou University of Mexico. The chool will welcome seven vi lting proles on: Thoma..~ Bowers, prolo or ol busines Graduate School of Bu ine Indiana University; he will teach "corporation.." Paul G. Haskell, who 18 on th fatuity of the Univ r ity ol law in the Dr. Jorge Vargas became He wa profe r ol law at National teach in the area of taxation. Profe or ol law at the University of Connedicut r c iv d his since 1957, Snyder J .D. from Boston
Colleges Founders Gallery: University of Sao Diego. Weekdays, noon to 5 p.m.; Wednesdays, noon to 9 p.m. -------~-------
ign stu en ;
American law for fo
Paula Rhodes, of Howard Univer-
TIMES-ADVOCATE SEP 1 S 1983 Invitation workshop Monday A one-daoy workshop to address 3,500 Invitations to the University of San Diego Auxlliary's 27th annual fashion luncheon is scheduled at 9: 30 a.m. Monday in the board room on campus. The fashion luncheon themed "Masquerade," will be held Oct. 31 at th~ Hilton Inn. For more Information, call 295-2349.
teach contracts, international
sity, who will
rights, and
bu iness transactions; and Victor L. of Cleveland State University, Cleveland-Marshall (' 'ege of Law, who will teach ninal law' criminal procedure, Streib,
and children and the law.
Also new to the USD faculty are
prole sors Michael
ndrew, Luce Forward, Hamilton &
Superior Court
at Michael Greer; Alex Landon, executive director of Defenders of San Diego: Nancy Spieczny, Olins,
Foer ter & Siegal: and Susan North Carolina Law School, will Melton, Douglas Keegan, and Susan teach property: and John Hazard, an Jaworwiski, who will serve as legal
ti:::;cng instructors.
La_u_th~o_r_it_y~on_ t_h_e_ u_b_j _ t _ o_l _co~m_-_ wr _c..:i..:.:
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