Alcalá 1987



Alpha KappaPsi is the nation's oldest and largest Professional Business Fraternity, and is a member of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. Over 122,000 members have been iniated into Alpha Kappa Psi and each year the number steadily increases.The objectives of Alpha Kappa Psi are "to further the individual wel­ fare of its members; to foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounts, and finance; to educate the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals therein; andto promote and advance insti­ tutions of college rank courses leading to degrees in business administration." It shall always be the objective of Alpha Kappa Psi to renderoutstanding service which will keep the chapter a leader here at USD - You have our word on it.

Dave and Mike try to hold Tomup.

AKPsi's Pleasure Machine Softball Team.

Peggy and Christine at AKPsi's Rush Party.

Joe Torres, MelissaHogan, Tom Judson,Dave Kobert, Osvaldo Fumo, Dan Limberg, Maria Terndrup, Joe Granja, MaraRossi, Christine Bugelli, Kevin Biernat, Mike Minney, Kevin Smith, Chris Nico, Kelly Borg, Debbie Gonzalez, Peggy Wedge, Candace Patencio, Michelle Chia,Jeannie DeSantis, Meg Cassidy, Lisa Baldocci, Martene Hibbert, Shelly Lozano, Suzy Hen- ning, and Julie Mascari.

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