The Gazette 1930-33

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

MARCH, 1932]


NEW MEMBERS. The following have joined the Society : Sydney E. Cooper, 22 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. Gerald M. Counahan, Galway. Lewis D. Field, 10 Ely Place, Dublin. John J. Goulding, 8 Merrion Square, Nth., Dublin. Ernest F. Keegan, 6 Merrion Row, Dublin. LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT, 1931. Regulations under Section 7 will be issued in the near future. Section 5 (1) provides that " In this Act the expression ' the Court ' means the Circuit Court." Section 5 (5) provides that " Unless and until otherwise provided by rules of court, all applications under this Act to the Court shall be made by originating or interlocutory (as the case may require) notice of motion." THE SOCIETY'S CALENDAR, 1932. The Calendar and Law Directory of the Society for 1932 can be obtained at the Secretary's Office, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, X.W.8. Price five shillings ; by post, five shillings and sixpence. LOCKERS. Members can rent lockers in the Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, for the sum of five shillings per annum. Application should be made to the Hall Porter. LIST OF STATUTES PASSED BY THE OIREACHTAS DURING 1931. 1. Courts of Justice. 2. Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions). 3. Public Health (Special Expenses). 4. Sea Fisheries. 5. Central Fund. 6. Aliens Restriction (Amendment). 7. Poor Relief (Dublin). 8. Agriculture. 9. Commissioners for Oaths (Diplomatic and Consular). 10. Plate Assay (Amendment). 11. Land. 12. Telephone Capital. 13. Legitimacy. 14. Finance (Customs Duties). 15. Tourist Traffic (Development).

16. Civic Guard (Acquisition of Premises) (Amendment). 17. Local Elections and Meetings (Post– ponement). 18. Juries (Protection). 19. Local Government. 20. Trustee. 21. Trade Loans (Guarantee) (Amendment). 22. Pharmacopoeia. 23. Railway Fires (Amendment). 24. Public Charitable Hospitals (Amend– ment). 25. Local Government (Dublin) (Amend– ment). 26. Agricultural Produce (Potatoes). 27. Betting. 28. Local Government (Rates on Agricultural Land). 29. Dairy Produce. 30. Appropriation. 31. Finance. 32. Electricity (Supply) (Amendment). 33. Fisheries (Revision of Loans). 34. Adaptation of Enactments. 35. Midwives. 36. Veterinary Surgeons. 37. Constitution (Amendment No. 17). 38. Customs Duties (Provisional Imposition). 39. Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 2). 40. Courts of Justice (No. 2). 41 Finance (Increase of Income Tax) 42. Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 3). 43. Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 4). 44. Expiring Laws. 45. Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat). 46. Unemployment Relief. 47. Railways (Valuation for Rating). 48. Merchandise Marks. 49. Public Charitable Hospitals (Amend– ment) (No. 2). 50. Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions). 51. Public Charitable Hospitals (Amend– ment) (No. 3). 52. Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) (No. 2). 53. Housing (Gaeltacht) (Amendment).

54. Mines and Minerals. 55. Landlord and Tenant. 56. Apprenticeship.

ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin N.W.8.

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