Alcala Yearbook 1995
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0 steban was responsible for all of the undergraduate's issues and con– cerns. He is the chair of the Student Issues Board, where he gathered is– sues from the student body, facilitated discussions, and supervised issues as they were worked on. With the help of the advisors; Carol Lyman, Greg Zackowski, and Larry Perez, Esteban made sure the meetings were effec– tive, and ran smoothly. "Taking care of our issues as students is one of the most important aspects of any studen t government," he said. Esteban began his termby getting rid of the old "Gripe Boxes" and establishing an easy to use "Hotline" and E-mail system for stu– dents to easily surface their individual issues. "When I was an RA, I realized that accessibility was the key to keep– ing relationships open. If students had an easy way to get us their issues, then we could be better representatives for studen ts." Many issues were ad– dressed, and Student Issues Board had a lot of fun. "I've drawn cartoons for the Vista for 4 years. Sometimes, I put them on our agendas. I know that if you have fun while working, you will get a lot more things done ." That they did!
g f one word was needed to describe Jenni– fer McCann, it would be Energy - with a capital "E." Any number of words could be used - for example involvement, friendly, and ca ring. But she does all of these with an unbelievable amount of charisma and willingness. You wou ld expect the AS Pre id ent to be an excellent lead er, but Jennifer is an outstanding one. Whether she is running in a meet as the USO Cross-Country Team Captain, serving as the chair of various boards and committees, serving on the Executive Boards of Gamma Phi Beta, and the Panhellenic Council, or just sitting in the office acting as the Student Body Presid ent, she does it with grea t energy and excitement. Her grea t personality and radiant smile add s to her exceptional leader– ship abilities to create an ideal person to work wi th . It's almost unbelievable how much she does for the school and still has time to be an excellent student as well. The qu estion to ask of Jennifer is not, "What can she do?" But rather, "What can't she do?" Talking to Jennifer would definitely surprise you. Jennifer's wond erful personality and grea t sense of humor would not hint that she is out running mara thons for chari– ties such as theJuniorSeauFoundation in her free time. Nor would you sense thatshe is out serving in the community as a teacher forJunior High and High School Stud ents wishin g to become comfirmed in the Ca tholic Faith. When ta lking to Jennifer she is just that, Jennifer. A normal stu– dent just like everyone else, running to make it to class on time, hanging out with friends drinking coffee, or running home to wa tch the next epi– sode of Melrose Place. You would expect her to be a demanding person, or someone wl10 doesn't have the time to answer a qu estion for a fellow student. That is just the opposite of Jennifer. Willing to talk with anyone about anything at anytime (well except when she's sleeping). Jenni– fer shows that some of the best leaders can be caring and compassionate. It's well known that a machme ca nnot operate when mi sing even the smallest nut or bolt. Maybe that tiny bolt that keeps this university running smoothly is Jenni– fer McCann.
Working with people is one of the things I enjoy most, and as Vice Presi– dent of A.5. Relations, there is no short– age of it. Although thi s position is on ly 3 years old , it's been the job T wa nted to do since I first became in volved in AS. With a broad job description and re– sponsibilities ranging from checking AS phone bills to coordina ting two retrea ts, this pos ition offers an incred– ible experience. Although I enjoy the variety of jobs I'm responsible for, 1 really enjoy the interpersona l rela ti on– ships that I' ve estab lished with all of the AS members. I have lea rned a grea t deal from thi s position as well. Planning and running monthly all-AS meetings, coord inati ng tra nsition da y, and overseeing the AS Executi ve Of– fice has taught me more than any cla ss– room could do. Being responsibl e for internal relations has given me one of the most challenging years I've had , but it's definitely given me one of the bes t.
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