SALTA 5th grade

5 th Grade SALTA Depth and Complexity Considerations Unit 3 Theme: Inventors and Artists

To go further with depth and complexity, consider: Digital Text Resources: Research & Inquiry Skills for Content Integration

Tween Tribune Grades 1-5

Wonderopolis Grades K-12

Read Works Grades K-12

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The Smithsonian provides news articles for K-12 students. Lexile levels may be preventative for 2nd grade students.

Library of nonfction and literary articles,along with reading comprehension and vocabulary lessons, assessments, and teacher guidance.

With multi-disciplinary content that purposefully aligns to Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and STEM. Teachers can use the daily Wonder to jumpstart student thinking.

Junior Great Books:

● ● ●

What’s the big idea, Ben Franklin? (NF)

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Starry Messenger (NF)

Thomas Edison (NF)

So you want to be an inventor (NF)

Experiments with Electricity (N

● Sequoyah the Cherokee Man who gave His People Writing (NF)


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