SALTA 5th grade


Practice small-group time expectations and routines

Teacher quickly reviews each of the expectations and routines for small-group time. Teacher chooses students to model some expectations and routines while the whole class watches. Teacher gives students a task (that needs little explanation) to do independently at their seats. (e.g., How to take the placement test in Lexia or iReady, complete a word sort with the spelling rule of the week) Teacher monitors room; but does not engage with students. Teacher ends small-group time with a debriefing session with whole class. Teacher introduces and explains each of the expectations and routines for a Practice Station #1 (e.g., Fluency Station with Fresh Reads, how to login and navigate a specific technology tool, how to choose a book from the classroom library.) that will be consistently utilized. Teacher chooses students to model each expectation and routine while the whole class watches. Teacher reviews expectations and routines for small group time and the Practice Station #1 from Day 6. Teacher chooses students to model some expectations and routines while the whole class watches. Teacher has whole class practice performing that Practice Station #1. Teacher monitors room; but does not engage with students. Teacher ends small-group time with a debriefing session with whole class. Same as Day 3 above Same as Day 3 above

Students listen while teacher reviews expectations and routines. Individual students model for others what the expectations and routines look and sound like. All students work independently at their seats. Students actively participate in a debriefing session.



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Same as Day 3 above Same as Day 3 above

Introduce Practice Station #1

Students learn about the selected Practice Station #1 expectations and routines and discuss the importance of each with the whole group. Individual students model for others what the expectations and routines look and sound like. Students learn about the selected Practice Station #1 expectation and routines and discuss the importance of each with the whole group. Individual students model for others what the expectation and routines look and sound like. All students actively work on Practice Station #1. Students actively participate in a debriefing session.



Review expectations and routines for the Practice Station #1



Phase II: Introduction: Multiple Tasks — Teacher Monitors

Practice with Independent Work and Practice Station #1

Teacher quickly reviews each of the expectations and routines for small-group time and the Practice Station #1. Teacher chooses students to model some expectations and routines while the whole class watches. Teacher introduces 2-3 independent seatwork tasks and the practice station activity.

Students listen while teacher reviews. expectations and routines. Individual students are asked to model for others what some of the expectation and routines look



Adapted from: Consortium on Reading Excellence Small Group Implementation Small Group Time Planner (2008)

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