SALTA 5th grade

Teacher chooses students to model some expectations and routines while the whole class watches. Teacher gives the independent tasks for small-group time and the Practice Station options. Teacher pulls one group for about 10-15 minutes to work with who needs reteaching/preteaching. Teacher ends small-group time with a debriefing session with whole class.

others what some of the expectation and routines mean. Students choose from Practice Station options. Students move freely from independent tasks and Practice Stations following the directions the teacher has given. Students actively participate in a debriefing session.

Same as Day 14 above

Same as Day 16 above



Phase IV: Multiple Tasks — Teacher Pulls Multiple Groups

45-60 From now on, any time a new activity or Practice Station is added for small-group time, the teacher should follow a similar routine as the one established above. When ready to begin Phase IV, the teacher may begin to pull multiple groups for an extended time (10-15 min. each group) using intervention and challenge materials and activities.


Adapted from: Consortium on Reading Excellence Small Group Implementation Small Group Time Planner (2008)

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