SALTA 5th grade

2 Weeks March 21 - April 1


Essential Question Student Learning Targets

Which rights and privileges should our government guarantee?

● I can communicate what the rights and privileges that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees me. ● Students use textual evidence to write an opinion piece on the topic of rights of young people in the United States. ● Explain the steps a bill must go through to become law. Create a poster on how the Bill of Rights protects free speech today. Standard 3: Students will understand the rights and responsibilities guaranteed in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights Objective 1: Assess the underlying principles of the US Constitution as the framework for the United States' form of government, a compound constitutional republic. a. Recognize ideas from documents used to develop the Constitution (e.g. Magna Carta, Iroquois Confederacy, Articles of Confederation, Virginia Plan). b. Analyze goals outlined in the Preamble. c. Distinguish between the role of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the government. d. Explain the process of passing a law. e. Describe the concept of checks and balances. f. Discover the basis for the patriotic and citizenship traditions we have today (i.e. Pledge of Allegiance, fag) Objective 2: Assess how the US Constitution has been amended and interpreted over time, and the impact these amendments have had on the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the United States. a. Explain the signifcance of the Bill of Rights. b. Identify how the rights of selected groups have changed and how the Constitution refects those changes (e.g. women, enslaved people). c. Analyze the impact of the Constitution on their lives today (e.g. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition). Constitution, confederation, preamble, legislative, executive, judicial, amendment, petition, assembly, check and balance

Example Performance Assessment

Content Standards

Essential Vocabulary

What Are Your Rights? Social Studies: 3.1, ELA: W.5.1, RI.5.1

Guidance for Integration

Students use textual evidence to write an opinion piece on the topic of rights of young people in the United States. Students will have three days during which they will watch a video, read texts, use graphic organizers, and write an opinion piece using the text presented.

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