Alcala Yearbook 1999


Below: l'acific Beach is between La Jo ll a a nd Miss io n beac hes. USD stud ents are not on ly attracted to this wa terfront, but also to PB's shops, ea teries, a nd clubs. PB is home to the fa mous Garnet Ave., ali ve at any hour.

i\lca l6 Park campus was named afler lhe 8panish cil_y of Alca la, sile of lhe work of c:il. Didacus (6an Die8o). ol on ly is lhe campus a si8hl lo behold, ils hilllop localion prov ides for a 8or8eous view of some 08n Die8o coaslline. Whelhe r on a clear mo rnin8 or jusl as l he sun is headed inlo lhe Pacific, a look weslward down Marian Way is inspiralion for lhe spiril. Ame rica 's Finesl Cil_y offers coaslal fun from La Jolla lo Coronado . Downlown aclivil_y in lhe Caslamp Dislricl is an e x..cilin8 allernalive lo lhal precious lillle sleep colle8e sludenls 8el. Inland mounlain and desserl campsiles are nol far away and 1-5 and 805 offer' quick access lo allraclions soulh o f lhe border. c:iludenls can spend days in Balboa Park, Old Town, &a World, 1-Jo rlon Plaza, fash ion Valley. or O!d_alcomm Park. The November 1998 ballol he ld proposilions l hal affecled some of our favorile allraclions. Prop C. l o allocale lax. payer funds loward l he conslruclion of a new baseball park near lhe downlown walerfronl, passed b_y a landslide vol e. Prop D, lo lifl lhe 30 fl. cap on conslruclion al &a World, passed wilh a majoril_y vole. Th is hei8hl limil came inlo effecl afl r lhe ereclion of l he landmark sk_ytower and reslricled plans for allraclions such as rolle rcoasle rs. fulure expansions will ensure increased lourisl revenue for 6an Die80. !l's nol surprisin8 lhal Prop C passed because lhis _year, for lhe second lime in hislor_y, lhe 6an Die8o Padres became Nalional Lea8ue Champions. They beal lhe Allanla Braves lo head for lhe World &ries and lhe cil_y cau8hl Padres f ever. fans cove red l heir houses, cars, businesses, and bodies wilh "Keep lhe failh" and "Co Padres!" The Yankees did win lhe & ries, but fans remembe r lhe besl Padres season lo dale wilh Tony, Cami, Vau8hn, Trevor, Finley, Kevin, Ash. Wally. Le_yrilz. and The Qc:ian Die8o has ils own vision lo conl inue loward, and U6D sludenls can only reap lhe bene fi ls as lhe cil_y 8rows around lhem. copy by 11. w Ike San Diego 9

Abov e : Several of th e Padres participated in a parade in celebration a nd app re ciat ion of the club 's outstanding performance th is year. Most fans will agree that all-star, Kevin Brown, was the best starting pitcher for the Padres of 1998. At Left: Another favorite, 1s t baseman Wally Joy ner, waves to the fans at the p a rade downtown. Wally has a conspicuous group of followers that wear bald wigs at every home game a nd act as their own spirit squad.

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