Alcala Yearbook 1999

...The mer8e in 1972 was a prominent slep loward Lhe

Bt>l ow : Foundt>rs 11,111 houses the Ch,1pt•I, ,·l,is~rooms, offi,·t'~, ,111d tons oi irC'shmen 1nrnwn. S<1cred I lt>,irl l-lall l,1vs b,Kk bt'i 11·t•t> n Found t rs ,111d Cimino I l,1lls ,111d s till beMs the scdl oi the College for Wonwn.

5uildin8 names have chan8ed, slaluCT>

U6D ofloclay.

and lrees have moved, and policies have been amended

lo ftl Lhe chan8in8 limes. Alumni oflen lau8h wilh currenl

sludenls over lhe focl l hal only ftfleen years a8o, fema les

were rarely seen in lhe male freshman dorm.

The beautiful /\lcala campus has seen plans sel in

molion for many physical chan8es in recenl years. The

Universily Cenler and lhe Alcala Visla L\parlmenls were

bolh compleled in 1.987. The 1995-1996 school year saw

safer lraffic on Marian Way wilh lhe conslruclion of

Colachis Plaza. In 1998, currenl sludenls wilnessed lhe

creation of a new main driveway for U6D and lhe openin8

of lhe parkin8 slruclure lo accommodate lhe valley

residenls, sporls facililies, visilors, and commuler

sludenls. Generous donalions from 6id and Jenny Crai8

and Joan Kroc will soon brin8 aboul lhe conslruclion of

a new sporls pavilion on lhe easl end of campus and a

world peace inslilule on Wesl Poinl field.

The University and ils sludenls continue lo 8row

Above: Knolls res id e nt s, Kristi Desuacido, Abby Woelke, and Angelina Downing are looking forward to a trip to The Gaslamp District after a tough week of study. At Right: View from Maher Hall of the lmmaculata dome. The church is a San Diego landmark and is visible from the coasta l waters.

lo8elher. Carin8 and concerned lruslees, alumni, facully

and slaff walch over lhe developmenl wilh a 8uidin8


eye and a delicale blend ofinnovalion and

Whal will anolher 50 years brin8? • Copy by II. Woelke

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