U.S. Territories and Possessions

Nationalist Insurrection of 1950, there were attempts to assassinate Luis Muñoz Marín, Puerto Rico’s gov- ernor and U.S. President Harry Truman. And in 1954, Puerto Rican Nationalists opened fire in the visitor gallery of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington D.C., wounding five Congressmen. Under the rule of the U.S., some Puerto Ricans want full statehood;

value in using Puerto Rico for its navy and as a place for producing crops like sugar but did not invest in infrastruc- ture . The people of Puerto Rico have long fought for independence. The Spanish quickly ended a Taino rebel- lion in 1511. In 1868, Puerto Ricans who wanted independence took over the town of Lares, and again Spain put an end to the rebellion. During the

Tourists disembark from a cruise ship docked in San Juan. Tourism is an important part of Puerto Rico’s economy, but the island has also become an important center of industry.

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