Branches Book

and being sociable. He loves sports, music, and movies. He has played basketball and baseball since the age of four and has continued to play at Wildwood. One of Max’s greatest passions is playing fantasy football. Adam Stanton Adam Stanton, born in Hong Kong, moved to Los Angeles in 2004. Sports and athletics make up a large part of his life. He learned collaboration, work ethic, and leadership from his experience with sports. Through good times and bad, sports have always been a therapeutic escape since his youth. Emma Stein Emma has always been passionate about soccer. She loves to play it with all of her heart and always works hard to improve. She practices at least twice a week and often has games on the weekend. Emma has never been passionate about writing, but she still puts the same amount of effort into writing that she does in to soccer, although she dedicates slightly less time to writing. Sophia Stoughton Sophia Hertzberg Stoughton was born in Venice, California and continues to reside there today. She has attended Wildwood School since kindergarten. She lives with her parents and sister and across the street from her cousins. She spends her time running track and cross country, being with family and friends, going to the beach, and working as a math tutor. Kayla Streiber Kayla Streiber was born and raised in Los Angeles and loves her SoCal home. On the weekends, she can be found watching a romantic comedy and eating mint chip ice cream or out at an improv show. She spends most of her time on stage, either in musicals or singing her original angsty teen love songs. When she’s not getting her creative juices flowing, she can be found spending time with friends and family. Mila Stromboni Mila Stromboni is a French 18-year-old living in Los Angeles. She enjoys croissants, escargots, fromage and striped shirts. She owns an impressive collection of berets and takes pride in dressing like a grandma. You can often find her drinking café au lait and reading obscure books on the Pont des Arts by the Seine. In the future, she hopes to become a fashion designer and live in New York.


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