Branches Book

Sophie Ulin Sophie Ulin is an adult in training. She has been creating stories and poems ever since she learned to write, and couldn’t imagine her life any other way. She would describe herself as a proud feminist who strives to fight bias and inequality. She’s obsessed with television and she would be happy watching TV for the rest of her life. Her favorite place to be is curled up in a blanket with her dog. Dylan Vecchione Having been recently [self]described as a “science nerd,” Dylan’s passion for science is an integral part of his academic career. Dylan has participated in research spanning multiple fields including in-vivo diagnostics, solid-state physics, atmospheric sciences, and oceanography. Dylan wanted to integrate this passion for science into his culminating literature project. From this goal, Investigating the Neuropsychological Affective Responses to Literature was born: a scientific study about human emotional interactions with literature. Lilly Weidhaas Lilly Weidhaas is the daughter of two wonderful parents, Joanne and AJ, and the older sister of two siblings, Drew and Ella. She plays softball and basketball, and her favorite team of all time is the Boston Red Sox. Lilly will be a freshman at Pomona College next fall, and plans to go in with a PPE major, which includes Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Summer Wilson Summer Wilson, who was in fact born in the summer, lives in Los Angeles’ Koreatown according to the Snapchat geotag. She plans to decorate her future house with jars of pickled vegetables. Summer’s animal companion is a small pink unicorn named Fantasia, whose birthday is May 8th. She enjoys cute things such as colorful mushrooms, rainbow sprinkles, and radishes. She also enjoys some not so cute things such as reading difficult literature, meaningful discussions and debates, and environmentalism.


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