Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996
fithletics Sarah Jeolar ~ J:guren Moore
Our primary goal this year was to promote campus awareness ofUSD athletic events and pump up school spirit through publicity and programs. Our committee, the Bluecrew, has helped us to plan events such as the Jamaican Jam and other tail– gates. They have also helped to organize "the couch" which is a new tradition at this year's basketball games. Our success depends on the enthusiasm of USD sports fans.
Community Seroice Jeirsten
The Community Service Co-Directors are re– sponsible for reaching out and interacting with the San Diego community on a service-orientated basis. Activities include Senior Citizen Outreach, Tijuana Orphanage, and the Special Olympics. During the year they have had to submit program budget pro– posals and understand financial funds. They have made public speeches and overseen a committee of USD students. Kirsten and Liana have done a wonderful job of recruiting volunteers and creating and improving on their programs and projects.
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