Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996
ASAP creates and produces advertisingmate– rials for the USD campus. We work not only for the Associated Students but also clubs, organizations, professors, and faculty. The work is challenging and requires a great deal of personal time. The office is open to all students and faculty to use whenever necessary. This year ASAP has tried to bring new tech– nology to campus advertising which eliminates the time it takes to make posters and fliers. Another advantage to more technology is the potential for flashy graphics and a different look. Everything is created on computer which gives the advertising a more professional quality expected from a univer– sity.
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Asylum is a unique organization created to encourage self-expression amongUSD's student body. Pamela and Kwala have provided this environment through open forums in the traditional Cafe Asylum as well as an open mike forum for music, poetry, and , drama. They also of course produce each semester the famous "Asylum" which has grown in size this year. Asylum also tries to branch out by working with other AS committees to program other special events throughout the year.
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