Trafika Europe 12 - French Bon-Bons

About the Authors

TE12-04 RADOVAN IVŠIC: King Gordogan (radio play, ACT I, Scene 4-5)

Radovan Ivšić (Zagreb, 1921 – Paris, 2009) was a Croatian poet, writer, playwright, essayist, translator and surrealist. His play King Gordogan (1943) remained banned both in NDH and later in Yugoslavia until 1979. Ivšić emigrated to Paris, where Gordogan was translated into French and first publicly performed. Generally therefore considered a work of French surrealism, this is its first English translation from the original Croatian. Trafika Europe produced and premiered this new version of King Gordogan at Penn State University in Spring, 2017, as part of its forthcoming European Radio Theater series.

We welcome you to enjoy this special recorded audio excerpt of King Gordogan ACT I , Scene 4-5. Translated from Croatian by Carla Stockton


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