Trafika Europe 12 - French Bon-Bons

About the Authors

TE12-07 Ş SEYMA KOÇ: “Gillyflower Smelling Songs” and “Sufferer’s Grave” (two stories) ŞeymaKoç (bornYahyalı,Kayseri, Turkey, 1994) completed higher education in Akdeniz University, department of Political Science and Public Administration. Her short stories have been published in more than a dozen magazines internationally, and translated to Greek, Kurdish, Urdu and English; her first collection, Küllerin Şehveti was released in November, 2015. She participated with ‘The Creative Process’ exhibition organized by the American Writers Museum. She is also actively engaged in projects and workshops concerning the education and rights of women. “Gillyflower Smelling Songs” translated from Turkish by Melike Sarıçam; “Sufferer’s Grave” translated from Turkish by Suğra Öncü.

TE12-08 LAURA SINTIJA CERNIAUSKAITE: Breathing Into Marble (novel excerpt)

Laura Sintija Černiauskaitė (born Vilnius, Lithuania, 1972) studied Lithuanian language and literature at


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