Trafika Europe 12 - French Bon-Bons
Radovan Ivšićc
GORDOGAN: Shame on us. And you, Royal Eye Gouger, how many have you TSAFF ed today? SOUND: (Repeat) leather boots clicking together, fist on chest salute ROYAL EYE GOUGER: Only twelve, Highness, by my miserable mother. Five blind men, Five walleyed squinters, two cross-eyed dunc- es, and by my pincers, I’ll get my thirteenth soon, and he’ll be healthy-eyed ere I TSAFF him. GORDOGAN Shh. This one’s going to pay his tax. Watch and see. Pay, subject. Pay. PAY! LUNA: Honorable King. GORDOGAN: There we go again. That “Honorable King” business. PAY, imbicile. LUNA: ( singing )
Are you saying. . . If you’re saying. . . GORDOGAN: Pay!
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