I Appeal To Caesar!

Paul is led forward, slowly he reaches out to feel the great block. Then, weakly standing before the gathered crowd, Paul the apostle lifts his hands and voice for the last time, his prayer resonating with surprising strength and volume. “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” As the words fall from his lips, Paul recalls that awful scene in Jerusalem when he prayed this same prayer over the broken remains of Stephen the First Martyr.

Now it is his turn, thank God, and he will go to join


Paul adds two simple, profound thoughts. “Thank You, Jesus, for this blessed journey of faith. You have ever been with me and never failed in Your care! Thank you Jesus for everything! Into Your hands I commend my spirit, O Lord!”

He lowers his head to rest in the cupped grove of the


Rufus hears the simple, confident prayer and then the loud thud of the heavy sword as it bites into the block and finally . . . the head of his beloved leader as it hits the ground and rolls to the side. Now, Rufus steps forward, kneels and grasps the block with both hands. “Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul! I, too, my sovereign Lord and emperor, commend my Spirit to you!”

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