I Appeal To Caesar!

“2,000 earth-years have now passed; it is almost time to bring earth-time to a close. All things written in both the Old and the New Scripture must and will find fulfillment. “While you, Paul, were yet a young man on earth, we brought you to the Third Heaven to hear things you were forbidden to speak; soon your mouth, like that of the prophet Ezekiel will be opened. You carefully sought My help as you wrote your thirteen epistles to churches and people; then, a grand climax both for the Church and Myself, you authorized an in-depth summary of the New Covenant, which you laboriously formulated, humbly not adding your name as author [the Book of Hebrews]. “ This is your assignment : you are to go to earth and visit the most important places in today’s earth-world that will illustrate Earth and population conditions both natural and spiritual. Some of these places will be religious and some not religious. Some will be great cities, other places small but significant, some governmental, some church councils. All of these influential places and their leaders will know of your writings in Scripture. Tell us your candid observations and evaluations. “ In particular you are to see how carefully the various Christian bodies are following your teachings and advice. You will appraise the condition of the Christian Church in the World according to how My followers are handling and believing the Writings of Scripture that you have written. You are not to be discouraged by the various reactions to your writings, especially if there has been rejection. As you know, you are not the one rejected, but I am. You will confirm whether or not Earth-time must now end.

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