I Appeal To Caesar!

“Tell us what you find in the Church, are they living THE life, believing THE Word, truly serving ME? Knowing as you do My plans for final judgment, you will return with your advice of whether or not you feel the time is right for the events of the last days to break forth. Has the cup of iniquity begun to overflow in your judgment? Also, enumerate the present activities and strategies of Satan on the planet Earth. Is the World Government and the Antichrist ready to assemble? “You will go incognito, with ability to be visible or invisible, able to be dressed instantly in appropriate clothing for a given situation, able to communicate clearly and perfectly in any language, and able to transport by the Spirit into meetings and circumstances where certain conferences and groups and important people are saying and doing certain things unknown to most of the saints now residing here in heaven. Do not be surprised at your observations! “I want all the believers of heaven to know if you, Paul, encounter in my Earth-saints the beginning of a great last-day desire and readiness for an outpouring of My Spirit—and if my saints will be ready and willing to endure hardships to bring about the events that produce the LAST GREAT HARVEST OF THE EARTH. I want this great cloud of witnesses to hear your appraisal of the spiritual condition of the church … and the world in general. Your observations will be critical. We will then reach a decision! Paul is overwhelmed and remains bowed before the Lord. Twelve elders (Old Covenant believers) and another twelve (New Covenant believers) gather around to lay their hands on him. The crown of the martyred apostle gleams with light. Paul is not anointed with oil in the traditional way.

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