I Appeal To Caesar!

Instead, a prophetic vision now bursts upon the scene: a great, glistening drop of oil (symbolic of the Holy Spirit) appears over Paul’s head, suspended in the atmosphere. The invisible container of the oil is withdrawn, but the oil does not pour out in a mass, rather the drops of oil fly out into the atmosphere and burst into tongues of fire which then settle on each person in the total assemblage of people. the LORD explains, “the special anointing/empowerment for Paul’s assignment; when you have drawn upon all that has been appointed, Paul, you will return and make your report to THE CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN WHO ARE IN HEAVEN.” * * * * * Now, dear reader, the story will continue to unfold, and hopefully you will believe with me that the greatest harvest of all time—the Endtime Harvest will indeed occur. The church WILL miraculously be used of God during the so- called Great Tribulation to win the last remnants to the Lord. There will be hard times, very hard times, but there will be a great turning to Christ by unbelieving Jews, and all heathen peoples will choose whom they will serve, God or Mammon. The Church will not be a cowering, beaten group. They will be the supreme overcomers of the ages! These thoughts are written as “historical fiction,” nevertheless this story contains strong currents of Scriptural truth and very plausible application. “This prophetic vision (like the dove alighting on Jesus at Baptism) represents,”

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